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WPScan WordPress security scanner. Written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites. Contact us via [email protected]

Results 72 wpscan issues
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### Subject of the issue When the output of WPScan is redirected to a file, the progress bar appears as minimalistic and with no information as it would in a...

Updates the requirements on [webmock](https://github.com/bblimke/webmock) to permit the latest version. Changelog Sourced from webmock's changelog. 3.17.0 Minimum required Ruby version is 2.3 Thanks to Go Sueyoshi When using Net::HTTP, stubbed...


## Licensing By submitting code contributions to the WPScan development team via Github Pull Requests, or any other method, it is understood that the contributor is offering the WPScan company...

Hello, Anyone can help on how to combine tools in one report on Dradis?

Before submitting an issue, please make sure you fully read any potential error messages output and did some research on your own. ### Subject of the issue I don't have...

needs documentation

We're seeing different outputs (vulnerability count) on a scanned website of ours when running wpscan on different workstations while using the same API. My workstation: WPScan version: Current Version: 3.8.22x...

### Subject of the issue When performing a scan, the process terminates with error: "Scan Aborted: lexical error: invalid char in json text." ### Your environment * Version of WPScan:...

needs info

SITE IS UP wpscan version: 3.8.17 wpscan --url https://success.zomato.com/ Scan Aborted: The url supplied 'https://success.zomato.com/' seems to be down (Stream error in the HTTP/2 framing layer) not using proxy

Updates the requirements on [rubocop](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop) to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from rubocop's releases. RuboCop 1.28.2 Bug fixes #10566: Fix a false positive for Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation when using proc...


During bf attack i recive this error log: `Error: Unknown response received Code: 401 ` Ive used this command: `wpscan --url https://myurl.com/ --usernames username --passwords mylist --random-user-agent -t 5` The...