Sarah Snow
Sarah Snow
Status Update - Visuals recorded; audio needs re-recording and piecing together.
I am working on finishing this workshop this month, by September 1st.
Update: I was able to [recreate this issue twice](, one on a new course on Learn (which has been deleted) and one on a test site. Pretty sure it's a...
Report Filed:
I applied a quick fix that Dadash found with this comment: [> Note that the 404 error happens only if the Module 2 has a description in it.]( The module...
Issue is still ongoing; does not look to be resolved, but temporary workaround does seem to be working for the moment.
This issue should be resolved; I will look into this before the meeting next week and double check, but this should be resolved.
This issue is closed!
**Future Course Template Needs (writing here):** Course Template (Rough Draft In Progress) Course Lesson Plan Template (Not Started) - Complete with proper labels. Note to Self: Creating a Bullet Outline...
Asking for feedback and moving into "review" column.