Sarah Snow
Sarah Snow
Published! Please check the transcript on the tutorial except for the final draft if you would like to translate this content.
This needs revision, probably with the 6.3 release -- Feedback: A recommendation in for including the word "logo" in the alt text for a site logo, which is not...
Due to a transition, I have removed myself from this issue to allow someone else to work on this. :) If I find time to work on this in the...
Some AI-generated content to spot-check by chatGPT (I believe this falls within their [terms of use](, so I'm running this as an experiment): Note to future self, this content may...
Updated Script Draft: Welcome to Learn WordPress—there is one setting in each post or page that can do quite a bit for you both in WordPress itself, but also in...
Due to a transition, I have removed myself from this issue to allow someone else to work on this. :) If I find time to work on this in the...
The following is ready for review: 2. Your First Codes In theme.json - [Review Module 3, Lesson 2 Here]( / [Leave Feedback for Module 3, Lesson 2 Here]( Specific Questions...
Changes made; excellent call-out with the image alt tags. I may consider adding sound in the future, but for now, it is okay as-is.
The following lesson is ready for review: 1. The Basics of theme.json for New Developers - [Review Module 3, Lesson 1 Here]( / [Leave Feedback for Module 3, Lesson 1...
Changes made; I also removed (some, but not all) extra bolding and added "Important!" per the guide you linked. Excellent resource, Wes!