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Your AI assistant to make WordPress content writing journey smooth and beautiful using Open AI and ChatGPT.

Innovator AI

Your Virtual AI assistant to make your WordPress content automation journey smooth and beautiful using Open AI.

Requires at least: 5.8

Requires PHP: 7.4

Stable tag: 1.2.0

Tested up to: 6.2

Author: Maniruzzaman Akash[email protected]

Donate Link:

License: GPL-2.0-or-later

License URI:

Text Domain: innovator-ai


Welcome to Innovator AI, Your Virtual AI assistant to make your WordPress content journey smooth and beautiful using Open AI and ChatGPT.

Innovator AI will make your WordPress content editing super exciting with Open AI and ChatGPT's powerful AI content generationn.

Let's build something awesome.


Any WordPress site owner / user can -

  1. Generate AI content easily with Open AI's ChatGPT-3 language model.
  2. Generate AI content using Custom gutenberg block.
  3. Generate AI content using every gutenberg block from toolbar.
  4. Generate AI content using every gutenberg block from toolbar.


Get every documentation about Innovator AI from our Wiki page -

Feature Request

Innovator AI has been made to make your WordPress content management journey easier with Open AI and Chat GPT. If you thing there needs any feature, you can submit your feature request here -


v1.2.0 - 07/04/2023

  1. Update : WordPress tested upto 6.2.
  2. New : Added appended search text before and after of search query.
  3. Update : Updated codebase eslint formatting.

v1.1.0 - 05/01/2023

  1. Update : Long content article generation support.
  2. Fix : Fixed some localization typo.
  3. Fix : Fixed some asset loading issue.

v1.0.0 - 27/12/2022

  1. New Feature : Settings Page Open AI API key setup.
  2. New Feature : Try Now demo in Dashboard Page.
  3. New Feature : Text Generator Gutenberg block.
  4. New Feature : Added Text Generator AI Popup Toolbar support for every gutenberg block.


Dashboard Panel


New Post / Edit Post


New Post / Edit Post Toolbar


Settings Page



Contribution is open and kindly accepted. Before contributing, please check the issues tab if anything in enhancement or bug. If you want to contribute new, please create an issue first with your enhancement or feature idea. Then, fork this repository and make your Pull-Request. I'll approve, if everything goes well.


It's me, Maniruzzaman Akash - A Fullstack WordPress plugin developer with the expertise of PHP, WordPress, React, Next JS, Typescript, Laravel, MySQL, Docker and so on. Find me at

  1. Email - [email protected]
  2. Github -
  3. Linkedin -