wp-graphql-woocommerce copied to clipboard
Woocommerce products can not be queried in another language
Describe the bug It is not possible to query woocommerce products for another locale, using wp-graphql-wpml
To Reproduce The following query should return the english versions of the products. Instead it returns the main locale (german in this case): Query { products(where: {wpmlLanguage: "en"}) { nodes { id slug name ... on SimpleProduct { id name buecherFields { buchKategorien { nodes { name slug } } } buchInfos { buchInfos } locale { locale id } } } } }
{ "data": { "products": { "nodes": [ { "id": "cHJvZHVjdDoxMDE4Mg==", "slug": "sollberger-boegli", "name": "Sollberger Bögli", "buecherFields": { "buchKategorien": { "nodes": [ { "name": "De aedibus", "slug": "de-aedibus" } ] } }, "buchInfos": { "buchInfos": "
Herausgegeben von: Heinz Wirz
\nTextbeitrag: Katharina Marchal
Expected behavior The products should be returned in english.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: macOs
- Browser Chrome
- Version 124.0.6367.118 (Offizieller Build) (arm64)
Plugin Versions
Not sure if this is a bug with wp-graphql-wpml or wp-graphql-woocommerce. Clarifcation would be great!
This is a very crucial feature, which makes the use of graphql for multilangual woocommerce sites impossible. Please priotize. Also happy Thanks for any tip!
@cankahya I think it might be an issue with wp-graphql-wpml
as wp-graphql-woocommerce
doesn't interact with translations. Have you tried to contact wpml?
I've also noticed that you are using this version https://github.com/rburgst/wp-graphql-wpml, which seems to be unmaintained.
Have you tried with the official one from here https://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/wpml-graphql/?
Their version is from 2023 https://wpml.org/compatibility/2023/05/wpml-graphql-build-headless-multilingual-wordpress-sites/
@creative-andrew Thanks for taking your time looking into this. I will test the plugin you suggested and report my findings :)
@cankahya any news from this?
I have a suspicion this is happening because of the difference between a Product
and a ProductUnion
The way to test this is to open up WPML GraphQL's wpml-graphql/classes/Hooks/ObjectType/LanguageType.php and add…
'type' => self::MAIN_FIELD_TYPE,
'description' => __('Filter product unions by language code', 'wp-graphql-wpml'),
After that, the language query works as expected, e.g.
fragment ProductContentFragment on ProductUnion {
query GetProductsInEnglish {
products(first: 100, where: {status: "publish", language: "en"}) {
nodes {
... on SimpleProduct {
query GetProductsInTraditionalChinese {
products(first: 100, where: {status: "publish", language: "zh-hant"}) {
nodes {
... on SimpleProduct {
Plugins: WPGraphQL 1.28.1 WPML 4.6.13 WPGraphQL WooCommerce (WooGraphQL) 0.21.0 WPML GraphQL 1.1.1
Querying individual Products by slug to get their translation
Given the following fragment:
fragment BasicProductContent on Product {
__typename # e.g. "SimpleProduct"
type # e.g. "SIMPLE"
id # The GraphQL ID
databaseId # The WP post's database ID
sku # A manually configured attribute of the WP post
languageCode # 'en' or 'zh-hant'
guid # A URI using the WP post's database ID
link # The complete URI to the WP post using the slug
uri # All the path parameters for the WP post
slug # The WP post's slug path parameter
Query: Native language
query SimpleProductNativeLanguage {
product(id: "native-slug", idType: SLUG) {
"data": {
"product": {
"__typename": "SimpleProduct",
"type": "SIMPLE",
"id": "graphql-id-obfuscated-native",
"databaseId": 1234,
"sku": "SKU0001",
"languageCode": "en",
"guid": "https://www.domain.com/?post_type=product&p=1234",
"link": "https://www.domain.com/shop/native-slug/",
"uri": "/shop/native-slug/",
"slug": "native-slug"
Query: Translation
query SimpleProductListingTranslation {
product(id: "translated-slug", idType: SLUG) {
"data": {
"product": {
"__typename": "SimpleProduct",
"type": "SIMPLE",
"id": "graphql-id-obfuscated-translated",
"databaseId": 4321,
"sku": "SKU0001",
"languageCode": "zh-hant",
"guid": "https://www.domain.com/?post_type=product&p=4321",
"link": "https://www.domain.com/shop/native-slug/",
"uri": "/shop/native-slug/",
"slug": "translated-slug"
Querying for translations of the base product
GIVEN: the above works, so we know that we have working products and translations. GIVEN: the following fragment.
fragment TranslationsOfProductContent on Product {
translations {
language {
Query: Native Language with translations
query ProductNativeLanguageWithTranslations {
product(id: "three-languages-matching-board", idType: SLUG) {
"errors": [
"message": "Internal server error",
"extensions": {
"category": "internal"
"locations": [
"line": 278,
"column": -11
"path": [
"data": {
"product": {
"__typename": "SimpleProduct",
"languageCode": "en",
"translations": [