wp-graphql-tax-query copied to clipboard
Compatability issue with WPGraphql 1.6+
The plugin causes an error when attempting to run a taxQuery on a contentNode when using wpGraphQL 1.6.4.
Steps to reproroduce:
This query:
query MyQuery { contentNodes(where: {taxQuery: {relation: AND, taxArray: {field: SLUG, operator: AND, taxonomy: CATEGORY, terms: "watches"}}}) { nodes { ... on NodeWithTitle { title } } } }
Succeeds when using WPGraphql 1.5.9 but fails on 1.6.4 with the message:
Type loader is expected to return a callable or valid type "RootQueryToContentNodeConnectionWhereArgsTaxArray", but it returned null"
On further inspection, the issue is not specific to this plugin - closing issue
Further investigation confirms this is not specific to contentNodes and is reproducible using only wp-graphql & wp-graphql-tax-query with the updated query:
query MyQuery($taxArray: [RootQueryToPostConnectionWhereArgsTaxArray]!) {
posts(where: {taxQuery: {relation: AND, taxArray: $taxArray}}) {
nodes {
... on NodeWithTitle {
With variables:
"taxArray": [{
"field": "SLUG",
"operator": "AND",
"taxonomy": "CATEGORY",
"terms": "shoes"
Error message:
Type loader is expected to return a callable or valid type "RootQueryToContentNodeConnectionWhereArgsTaxArray", but it returned null"
Broken by https://github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql/pull/2000 Btw, woocommerce was fixed two weeks ago https://github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql-woocommerce/pull/537 Transfer from non-working lazy-loading types over to eager type loading
If not addressed, I will take a look at it next week
Offtopic: this extension should be a part of a core plugin, in the worst case a discouraging feature - due to performance issues. Not sure why it is still being not
I think I'm getting the same problem trying to use variables...
GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation: Type loader is expected to return a callable or valid type "RootQueryToVideoConnectionWhereArgsTaxArray", but it returned null
Did anyone work out what the issues is here?
I'm getting the same error as above on a custom post type taxonomy.
Digging through the code I found out that graphql_input_fields
hook is not called because there are no 'input' kind of objects registered in src/Registry/TypeRegistry.php::prepare_type
. This seems to be related to the lazy loading input fields.
I still haven't worked out a solution but for now I have downgraded the plugin to 1.5.9.
Hi, all, I'm also getting the same errors as above! I've since downgraded to 1.5.9 to resolve my issues, but i'd like to upgrade.
WP-GraphQL team, this is a pretty active issue being reported in the WP-GraphQL slack, and here. Has there been any attention given to this?
Hi, @duffner, I got lazy 🙃, but needed to fix this quickly.
So, I have created a patch for WPGraphQL - https://gist.github.com/Zinkutal/4d7670f504993d7ff3e8f5bd6167334c
Beware of type changes, ex:
RootQueryToPostConnectionWhereArgsTaxArray ~> TaxonomyArrayInput
- etc.
Waiting for https://github.com/wp-graphql/wp-graphql/pull/1387 to be merged