wp-graphql-jwt-authentication copied to clipboard
Activating the plugin breaks gatsby-source-wordpress plugin
adding this plugin breaks the build and develop via the gatsby-source-wordpress
plugin. I have already a JWT Authentication but it didn't seem to work with graphql that's why I wanted to try with this.
Error message it causes to the plugin:
Plugin gatsby-source-wordpress returned an error Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
- normalize.js:247 e.categories___NODE.e.categories.map.c
- Array.map
- normalize.js:244 entities.map.e
- Array.map
- normalize.js:231 Object.exports.mapPostsToTagsCategories.entities [as mapPostsToTagsCategories]
- gatsby-node.js:108 Object.exports.sourceNodes
- task_queues.js:86 processTicksAndRejections
warn The gatsby-source-wordpress plugin has generated no Gatsby nodes.
@kepi0809 if you're using gatsby-source-wordpress
that means Gatsby is using the WordPress REST API, and not WPGraphQL.
If you're using WPGraphQL, then you want to use gatsby-source-graphql
or gatsby-source-graphql-universal
as those will allow you to source content from the WPGraphQL API and this plugin (WPGraphQL JWT Auth) is meant to be used with WPGraphQL, not the WP REST API
@kepi0809 additionally if there is some reason you have to use both (like a site already built with gatsby-source-wordpress
), I'd recommend opening an issue on the Gatsby repo. This PR that was merged this morning may also fix the issue for you https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/pull/18895. It looks like a new release of Gatsby hasn't been published yet, but we're publishing often.
@kepi0809 if you're using
that means Gatsby is using the WordPress REST API, and not WPGraphQL.If you're using WPGraphQL, then you want to use
as those will allow you to source content from the WPGraphQL API and this plugin (WPGraphQL JWT Auth) is meant to be used with WPGraphQL, not the WP REST API
@TylerBarnes assumed it right, I'm kinda migrating a gatsby-source-wordpress
repo into gatsby-source-graphql
and it would've been good to be able to make small changes and not break the whole thing. But in the end it will be the same anyways.
I'll check that update of gatsby-source-wordpress
it will probably fix my issue, thank you! ❤️
I've updated my plugin it indeed gives different errors now, but still doesn't work as it's supposed to be working. The categories are nulled and that causes my gatsby-node to crash. Again if I disable the wp-graphql-jwt-authentication
WP-Plugin everything works as it had been working before
@kepi0809 can you provide details on how to replicate your environment so we can dig in a bit further here?
Like a link to your Gatsby codebase repo would be helpful, and details on what plugins (and their versions) you have active in WordPress would be helpful.
Sorry I couldn't find the time to make a reproduce but I'll try to do it this week the active plugins:
- acf to rest api – Version 3.1.0 | By Aires Gonçalves
- Advanced Custom Fields – Version 5.8.6 | By Elliot Condon
- Enable Media Replace – Version 3.3.6 | By ShortPixel
- FirePHP / Firebug PHP Integration – Version 1.0.0 | By Evalds Urtans
- Regenerate Thumbnails – Version 3.1.1 | By Alex Mills
- WP GraphiQL – Version 1.0.0 | By WPGraphQL
- WP GraphQL – Version 0.3.3 | By WPGraphQL
- WP REST API Controller – Version 2.0.3 | By YIKES, Inc.
- WP REST API Menus – Version 1.3.1 | By Fulvio Notarstefano
- WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields – Version 0.2.1 | By WPGraphQL, Jason Bahl
- WPGraphQL JWT Authentication – Version 0.3.3 | By WPGraphQL, Jason Bahl
Forgot to mention that it is a WordPress Multisite, there are often issues with it (btw wouldn't recommend anybody using multisite). Could it be the root of the issue?
@kepi0809 do you have a Gatsby repo as well so I can replicate on the Gatsby side?
const postcssPresetEnv = require('postcss-preset-env')
const tailwindcss = require('tailwindcss')
const postcssSimpleVars = require('postcss-simple-vars')
path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,
module.exports = {
pathPrefix: process.env.PREFIX,
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-postcss',
options: {
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postcssPresetEnv({ stage: 0 }),
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-purgecss',
options: {
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// develop: true, // Enable while using `gatsby develop`
tailwind: true,
purgeOnly: ['src/styles/global.css'],
// {
// resolve: 'gatsby-source-wordpress',
// options: {
// baseUrl: process.env.baseUrl,
// hostingWPCOM: false,
// protocol: 'https',
// useACF: false,
// cookies: {
// pagely_dev_mode: '1',
// },
// includedRoutes: ['**/media', '**/post'],
// // verboseOutput: true, // Set to true to debug endpoints on 'gatsby build'
// },
// },
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-tagmanager`,
options: {
includeInDevelopment: false,
resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphql',
options: {
typeName: 'WPGraphQL',
fieldName: 'wpgraphql',
url: `${process.env.WP_URL}/graphql`,
refetchInterval: 20,
// headers: {
// Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.JWT_TOKEN}`,
// }, // https://gist.github.com/yusinto/30bba51b6f903c1b67e0383f4a288269
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Hi @kepi0809
I'm wondering how present this issue is, as I'm trying to clean up all the issues in this repo to manage priorities?
Hi @henrikwirth
Since I'm not working on that project anymore I can't really confirm that the issue still persist with the newest versions of all the plugins above. If you can't reproduce the issue yourselves, then I could ask them to test it again