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Add to Documentation - wp-cli for windows using gitbash
I spent most of my day trying to troubleshoot why the wp-cli was not working correctly on my windows machine. As it turns out it was the git bash portion that was not allowing it to work. I use git bash as my command line tool of choice.
I think it would be helpful to many to add this detail to the documentation located here.
The solution I found from here: https://maheshwaghmare.com/setup-wp-cli-wordpress-command-line-interface-on-windows-operating-system/#not-work-on-git-bash
Not work on Git Bash?
Create another file
without any extension into the C:\wp-cli\ directory and paste below code:#!/usr/bin/env sh dir=$(d=${0%[/\\]*}; cd "$d"; pwd) # See if we are running in Cygwin by checking for cygpath program if command -v 'cygpath' >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Cygwin paths start with /cygdrive/ which will break windows PHP, # so we need to translate the dir path to windows format. However # we could be using cygwin PHP which does not require this, so we # test if the path to PHP starts with /cygdrive/ rather than /usr/bin if [[ $(which php) == /cygdrive/* ]]; then dir=$(cygpath -m $dir); fi fi dir=$(echo $dir | sed 's/ /\ /g') "${dir}/wp-cli.phar" "$@"
Now open git bash and type command wp Eg.
Thanks, at least that makes wp-cli active in Git Bash. but it still throws fatal error "Call to undefined function mysql_connect()".
Sounds great! Feel free to submit a pull request against the documentation: https://github.com/wp-cli/handbook/blob/main/installing.md