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mundana-theme-jekyll copied to clipboard

Mundana is a free Jekyll theme, Medium styled.

Results 40 mundana-theme-jekyll issues
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When I create a new post, it shows up in the latest_post area, but the most recent one does not appear in the All Stories section. It only starts from...

could you add RSS support to this theme? thanks!

The current sanitizer doesn't handle backslashes correctly. I've the following page source code: ``` {% highlight shell %} do stuff "domain\username" {% endhighlight %} ``` Using the current sanitizer in...

Bumps [addressable]( from 2.6.0 to 2.8.0. Changelog Sourced from addressable's changelog. Addressable 2.8.0 fixes ReDoS vulnerability in Addressable::Template#match no longer replaces + with spaces in queries for non-http(s) schemes fixed...


When the theme was hosted on my GitHub account, the 2nd post image was not being rendered due to a URL formation issue. **Old code in index.html file** `` **Fix...

Like the title says... tried to build but says it can't locate sidebar-featured.html in _includes folder, despite verifying it exists.

The commit messages sum it up: - sanitized `main.css` by removing all CSS shared/duplicated between Bootstrap and Bootstrap Grid - removed random trailing whitespace from many files - fixed and...