Wouter Beek

Results 63 issues of Wouter Beek

When loading RDF data from serialization formats supporting RDF datasets (Trig, N-Quads), some RDF triples belong to a specified RDF graph or to the default graph (if not graph is...


`rdf_load` has a `format` method that can load RDF formats when the appropriate module is imported/'used'. `rdf_save` does not have this option and requires individual predicates to be called, e.g....


Allow RDF data from multi-graph sources (e.g. Trig, N-Quads) to be loaded into a single RDF graph, i.e. disregarding the named graphs / default graph distinction in source.


`rdf_literal_value/2` treats decimal numbers as floats: ``` prolog ?- rdf_literal_value(literal(type(xsd:decimal,'0.99999999999999999')), X). X = 1.0. ``` Prolog supports rationals that can accurately represent decimal numbers, as used by [plXsd](https://github.com/wouterbeek/plXsd): ``` prolog...


RDF statistics does not show the correct number of graphs in case a graph is unloaded. Reproduce: ``` prolog ?- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). true. ?- rdf_create_graph(test). true. ?- rdf_unload_graph(test). true. ?- rdf_statistics(graphs(N))....


Currently `http_open/3` does not seem to comply to the encoding set by the `Content-Type` reply header. While the encoding is claimed to be UTF-8, the content clearly contains incorrect characters...


Library name: uchardet Library description: uchardet is an encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of bytes in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and attempts to determine...

Sometimes I get a strange bubble to the top right of my mouse cursor (see image; on the screen capture, the mouse cursor itself is not shown, but the bubble...

Clicking the bell ("Chat messages available") in a SWISH tab does not switch to that tab.

Files that contain `rdf:about="{x}/{y}:{z}"` are incorrectly parsed ATM. Example dataset: ```xml ``` The expected behavior / reproducible with Rapper is to parse the above as: ```ttl . ``` Maybe `x/y:z`...
