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Code for ACL19 paper: Dynamically Fused Graph Network for Multihop Reasoning


A pytorch implementation of our ACL2019 paper (arXiv)

Dynamically Fused Graph Network for Multi-hop Reasoning
Yunxuan Xiao, Yanru Qu, Lin Qiu, Hao Zhou, Lei Li, Weinan Zhang, Yong Yu
Accepted by ACL 2019

This repo is still under construction. Currently, we have provided the core code of DFGN and pretrained checkpoints. Although the pre-processing part is not available now, we provide processed data for you to start training. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Our result has been published on HotpotQA Leaderboard.


python 3, pytorch 0.4.1, boto3

To install pytorch 0.4.1, you can follow the instruction on this page https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/. For exmaple install with CUDA 9 via anaconda:

conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda90 -c pytorch

Install boto3

pip install boto3

Download Data

Bert Models

Firstly, you should download and set bert pretrained model and vocabulary properly. You can find the download links in pytorch_pretrained_bert/modeling.py row 40-51, and pytorch_pretrained_bert/tokenization.py row 30-41. After you finish downloading, you should replace the dict value with your own local path accordingly.

Released Checkpoints

We also released our pretrained model for reproduction.

mkdir DFGN/ckpt
tar -xvzf ./DFGN-base.tar.gz -C DFGN/ckpt

Preprocessed Data

Next download our preprocessed train & dev data of HotpotQA distractor setting.

Extract all compressed files into DFGN/data folder.

cd DFGN-pytorch/DFGN
mkdir data
tar -xvzf ./data.tar.gz -C data
cd data
wget http://curtis.ml.cmu.edu/datasets/hotpot/hotpot_dev_distractor_v1.json

Also you can preprocess by yourself following the instructions in the next section. The official HotpotQA data is available in https://hotpotqa.github.io/.


Previously we provided intermediate data files for training DFGN. Now we published the code for preprocessing. The preprocessing phase consists of paragraph selection, named entity recognition, and graph construction.

First, download model checkpoints and save them in ./work_dir

Then run preprocess.sh as below, replacing ${TRAIN_FILE}, ${DEV_FILE} as the official train/dev file. You can finally get all preprocessed files in \work_dir\dev and \work_dir\train

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash preprocess.sh ${DEV_FILE} dev
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash preprocess.sh ${TRAIN_FILE} train


To train a DFGN model, we need at least 2 GPUs (One for BERT encoding, one for DFGN model). Now training with default parameters:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python train.py --name=YOUR_EXPNAME --q_update --q_attn --basicblock_trans --bfs_clf

If an OOM exception occurs, you may try to set a smaller batch size with gradient_accumulate_step > 1.

Your predictions and checkpoints in each epoch will be stored in ./output directory. By running local evaluation script, you may get results like this:

best iter em f1 pr re sp_em sp_f1 sp_pr sp_re jt_em jt_f1 jt_pr jt_re
epxx 0.5542 0.6909 0.7169 0.7039 0.5218 0.8196 0.8604 0.8098 0.3325 0.5942 0.6435 0.5993

Local Evaluation

There are two evaluation scripts here.

The first is the official evaluation script, which can evaluate a single prediction file.

python hotpot_evaluate_v1.py YOUR_PREDICTION data/hotpot_dev_distractor_v1.json

The second one can evaluate all predictions in a folder. For example you have predictions in output/submissions/YOUR_EXPNAME:

python hotpot_evaluate_all.py output/submissions/YOUR_EXPNAME data/hotpot_dev_distractor_v1.json

Inference using our released model

python predict.py
python hotpot_evaluate_v1.py output/submissions/prediction.json data/hotpot_dev_distractor_v1.json

You may get similar results like this:

'em': 0.5567859554355166,
'f1': 0.693802079009206,
'prec': 0.7207548475981969,
'recall': 0.7048612545455903,
'sp_em': 0.5311276164753544,
'sp_f1': 0.8223151063056721,
'sp_prec': 0.865363493135274,
'sp_recall': 0.8101753962895138,
'joint_em': 0.337744767049291,
'joint_f1': 0.5989142669137962,
'joint_prec': 0.6510258098492401,
'joint_recall': 0.6003632270835144