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[Feature Request] Retry-able errors
Summary of the new feature/enhancement
We sometimes get pipeline errors when deploying rules with Import-AzSentinelAlertRule
because a transient error has occurred. Most commonly some gateway timeout on Microsoft's side:
VERBOSE: {"error":{"code":"GatewayTimeout","message":"The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights' within the specified time period."}}
Line |
40 | $result = Import-AzSentinelAlertRule -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Unable to invoke webrequest for rule Failed host logons but
| success logon to AzureAD with error message: Response status
| code does not indicate success: 504 (Gateway Timeout).
Proposed technical implementation details (optional)
Include retry logic for status codes that represent a server issue. I.e. attempt to retry 500 errors up to 3 times, but immediately continue/fail for 400 errors e.g. 400 (Bad Request)
{"error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Failed to run the alert rule query. One of the tables does not exist."}}
hi @pemontto thanks for the feedback, sounds as a good proposal. Do you have some code example or working solution that I can integrate in AzSentinel?
@pkhabazi I need to do some testing with the API to observe the various responses, there are likely some 4xx and 5xx errors we can safely retry. Will get back to you!