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Dime Analytics R Training
From my limited experience, `quarto` uses the exact same syntax as `markdown` but has a few advantages in flexibility and output formatting (as well as combining R and Python code...
Reference: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/usethis/versions/1.3.0/topics/use_course Could potentially avoid having participants looking for file paths or using path locations
Course: Session 1: Intro - [x] Add one slide explaining R vs Stata vs Python Session 2: Intro to programming - [x] Some exercises require to see previous slides while...
the slides won't need to use an R server for this
Show how to - Run one chuck - Run all chunks - Knit document
- [ ] PROJ4 strings are deprecated. I couldn't figure out exactly what that means, but I believe we need to update the shapefile to use a newer version of...
specify that the materials assume R and RStudio is installed and add links to installation
The firewall of WB computers might reject access to CRAN packages from R. The error in such cases shows the following  This can be solved in RStudio by **deactivating**...
Thinking whether we should rewrite the current training using quarto. Another option: use rstudio cloud.
- Data cleaning and validation: https://medium.com/appsilon-data-science/data-cleaning-in-r-2-r-packages-to-clean-and-validate-datasets-da95feeaa094