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New wiki pages that need to be created
Chapter 2: setting the stage
- [ ] data license agreement
- [ ] data ownership
- [x] 321 rule or something more general on data backup - https://dimewiki.worldbank.org/Data_Storage#Back-up_protocols
- [ ] statistical disclosure
Note -- some of this content got moved to chapter 1 in the revisions, this list definitely needs updating
Ch6: Data analysis
- [ ] Dynamic documents: move citations from here to the wiki
- [ ] LaTeX -- update reference on data analysis chapter when this is up
Ch3: Research design / randomization
- [x] Data maps - how to map the data needs and tracks unit of obs, idvar etc.
Ch5: Data processing
- [ ] Tidy data
- [ ] Data Integration
- [ ] merging (stata coding practices) --> material from RA onboarding
- [ ] Construction
- [ ] dealing with outliers: material from RA onboarding
Possible checklists to add:
- [ ] checklist to think through data ownership when collecting data (from paragraph 3 or subsection "Data Ownership"
- [ ] checklist to think through data licensing agreements? (May not be necessary since there's already a template)
Ch4: acquiring data
- [ ] add page on Data ownership. figure out way to link to data licensing agreement template. https://worldbankgroup.sharepoint.com/teams/ddh/SiteAssets/SitePages/ddh/DataLicenseAgreementTemplate_v4.pdf?cid=68a54269-bbff-4b47-846d-cab248ad7de1
- [ ] HFCs: the data quality assurance plan on the wiki is very survey-focused. that will need to be reframed since we are trying to keep this section general (rather than limiting to surveys).
- [ ] i added the wiki link for audio audits but that page needs content (it's basically blank)
- [ ] Stata graph schemes in stata coding practices (06f9055)
- [ ] Data Acquisition
- [x] Study Registration @bbdaniels
- [x] Registered Reports @bbdaniels
- [x] Research Documentation @luizaandrade
- [x] Data Storage @kbjarkefur
- [x] Data Release @luizaandrade
- [x] Project ID - material shared by Kris @kbjarkefur -[ ] https://www.povertyactionlab.org/resource/data-security-procedures-researchers -[ ] https://github.com/worldbank/dime-data-handbook/pull/507#discussion_r488121390
- [x] Variable Names - @luizaandrade
- [x] https://medium.com/better-programming/useful-tips-for-naming-your-variables-8139cc8d44b5
- [x] https://medium.com/@janschenk/variable-names-in-survey-research-a18429d2d4d8 This is another resource that was in the book earlier before we moved it out to replace with a Wiki link.
- [x] Admin Data @mariaruth
- [x] DIME Case study in admin data handbook should have lots of useful content --> Legovini, Arianna, and Maria Ruth Jones. 2020. “Administrative Data in Research at the World Bank: The Case of Development Impact Evaluation (DIME).” In: Cole, Dhaliwal, Sautmann, and Vilhuber (eds), Handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-based Policy. Accessed at https://admindatahandbook.mit.edu/book/v1.0-rc6/dime.html on 2021-01-27.
- [x] the technical chapters earlier in the handbook should also have general information and linked resources
- [x] Variable Construction @luizaandrade
- [x] Construction session from RA onboarding: https://osf.io/k4tr6/
- [x] Move section on outliers from data cleaning
- [x] iekdensity @luizaandrade: the help file for the command has all the relevant information. The pages for other commands from
can be used as a basis. I also suggest running some of the example codes at the end of the help file to create graphs that can be added to the article. - [x] ietoolkit: copy content section from https://worldbank.github.io/ietoolkit/ @luizaandrade
- [x] Data Ownership - Ch.4 DRiP
- [x] Data Licensing Agreement @mariaruth
- [x] the admin data handbook has a bunch of information on data licensing
- [x] ch4 in DRiP has basic info
- [x] Random Audio Audits - @roshni13khincha
- [x] High Frequency Checks
- [x] Randomization
- [x] https://www.povertyactionlab.org/resource/randomization
- [x] MSIE Slides
- [x] Dynamic Documents
- [ ] Data Acquisition
@Avnish95 not sure what the idea for this page was. topic goes under ch4, but i don't think an umbrella page would be useful.