
Results 102 comments of workgroupengineering

hi, sorry if i disturb you. I'm trying to fix this AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaVS#215. I need to get the current assembly full name here, to filter internal types through the VisibleTo property....

Hi @kekekeks, when you have time, can you make a review?

Hi, I need this feature, but I don't want to make any breaking changes. I would like to create a SnapshotToolchain which implements IToolchain and SnapshotExporter which implements IExporter. I...

> Very nice! I'm currently some basic screenshot testing based on your work on `RenderTargetBitmap` in #9439. You should be able to include some regression testing with it. Sure, I...

I think this PR can help a lot in solving this problem . Why not merge it?

Waiting approval

dotnet-gcmon first checks the current directory if .gcmon exists, if not found it recursively searches the parent folder until it is found or arrived to the root of the volume....

- less verbose command line arguments - multilevel configuration example: ``` solution └.gcmon └Prj1 └.gcmon └Prj1.csproj └.... └Prj2 └Prj2.csproj └... ``` in the example above if you run dotnet-gcmon in...