yeah not the same as sublime
results differs much when using ucsc refflat to annotate, can you add such function, thanks a lot
@etal @tetedange13 any comment on this, thanks a lot
@etal thanks a lot, we often keep value in [mean - 3 * sigma, mean + 3 * sigma], can this also be applied to cnvkit filter samples in command...
can anyone comment on this, thanks in advance, I use conda to install exomedepth
always we have data of fastq, and I saw this tools supply fastq and bam mode --merge: method for identifying which UMI to keep out of every two UMIs. Either...
Thanks a lot for your qucik and help reply, I have some other question. 1 can umicollapse be used for single umi and duplex umi data 2 how the autodetect...
Thanks a lot for your kind and fast reply. 1 In paired-end mode, it will ignore the UMI of the second read. so will it affect the accuracy of data,...
thanks a lot, so I need to remove the umi in the reads2, is that right?
is there any tools to remove this effiently, thanks a lot