Aha AI
Aha AI
**Who We Are** We are a rapidly growing software technology startup from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
**Who We Are** We are a rapidly growing software technology startup from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
**Who We Are** We are a rapidly growing software technology startup from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
**Who We Are** We are a rapidly growing software technology startup from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
**|關於我們** 本 FinTech 軟體新創公司由史丹佛及麻省理工學院校友共同創立, 團隊創辦人、投資人及顧問團隊擁皆擁有科技、金融業及高階管理背景, 致力於打造非凡軟體解決全球用戶的通點! 是否非常嚮往不受時間與空間拘束的企業制度? 沒錯!如果您符合以下條件,現在就立即申請 [資深] 前/後/全端網頁開發工程師! 1. 渴望自己決定工時,彈性上下班 2. 渴望遠端環境,逃離辦公室 3. 渴望在擁有參與感和主導權 4. 具有創業和冒險精神,不害怕未知的挑戰 5. 對國際市場有熱情和野心,想在全世界不同地方工作 【申請流程】 有興趣請填寫此申請表,上傳履歷表,並預約線上面談: https://linktr.ee/growaha 【職務內容】 規劃及開發全端系統/平台的核心邏輯,並與前後端合作 【經驗條件】 - 資訊、電腦工程、電機,相關學科 - 五年以上的程式學科或工作實習經驗...
## **About Us** We are a **rapidly growing software technology startup** from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
## **About Us** We are a **rapidly growing software technology startup** from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
## **About Us** We are a **rapidly growing software technology startup** from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
## **About Us** We are a **rapidly growing software technology startup** from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...
**Who We Are** We are a rapidly growing software technology startup from Silicon Valley, founded by top engineers from Stanford and MIT. Our dynamic team brings together extensive experience and...