WordPress-Android copied to clipboard
Offline Mode: Draft Post States
Design ref: dF2idcugV3w5nNo3xtlSIL-fi-0_1
Uploading (Updating, Deleting)
- [ ] Hide context menu, show an indicator
- [ ] Disable user interaction, gray out cell
- [ ] Disable long press
Uploading Media
- [ ] Hide indicator, show a circular progress view with the ability to stop the upload
- [ ] When the media upload finishes, show the activity indicator again
- [ ] If the user cancels the upload, go into the "Upload Failed" state
Upload Failed
- [ ] Update status to "Upload failed"
- [ ] Hide indicator, show context menu
- [ ] Show failure indicator next to the context menu
- [ ] Context menu should only display actions related to resolving an error
- [ ] Enable user interaction