WordPress-API-iOS copied to clipboard
A library to connect to WordPress sites using XML-RPC or the WordPress.com REST API
WordPress API for iOS
WordPress API for iOS is a library for iOS designed to make sharing on your WordPress blog easy.
It's not meant to provide access to the full feature set of the WordPress APIs.
Warning: This API is a work in progress, and much of the basic functionality is not implemented yet.
WordPress API uses CocoaPods for easy dependency management. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'WordPressApi'
Another option, if you don't use CocoaPods, is to copy the WordPressApi
folder to your project.
Example usage
Posting a picture
A hypothetical camera app called Cameramattic wants to add an option to share its pictures on WordPress
NSURL *xmlrpcURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"https://aphotoblog.wordpress.com"];
NSString *username = "aUsername";
NSString *password = "thePassword";
NSString *title = "My cat";
NSString *content = "She likes to sleep like that";
UIImage *image = ... // The image to upload
WordPressXMLRPCApi *wp = [[WordPressXMLRPCApi alloc] initWithXMLRPCEndpoint:xmlrpcURL username:username password:password];
[wp publishPostWithImage:(UIImage *)image
description:(NSString *)content
title:(NSString *)title
success:^(NSUInteger postId, NSURL *permalink) {
NSLog(@"Image post successful with ID %d at %@", postId, permalink);
failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Post upload failed: %@", [error localizedDescription])