### manually link: - android/settings.gradle ``` GIT include ':react-native-community-geolocation' project(':react-native-community-geolocation').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@react-native-community/geolocation/android') ``` - android/app/build.gradle ```GIT dependencies { ... implementation project(':react-native-community-geolocation') } ``` - android/app/src/main/.../MainApplication.java On top, where...
in my case, i require none exist file, it still crash ``` try { require('module') } catch (e) { console.err(e) } ``` React Native version: 0.73.0 OS: android
@tmikov thanks for your quickly response. what i mean is try catch seems cannot catch require none exist file error, it cause program crash, i try from new project, React...
@martinbigio not much understand, i just want to figure out why try catch cannot caught the require error, i can`t use require to detect whether module is exist, make me...
@Ahagan all right , at first, i also want to prevent the case what you mentioned, but i found that it is the best solution that work well on android,...