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A java client connect to Ansible server through ssh, and run Ansible command


A java implemented client connect to Ansible servers through ssh, and run Ansible command.


ansible-client is available from Maven Central


Who is this for?

Anyone who want to execute commands on your Ansible server in java code, instead of logging into server and execute manually.

With this, you can build an automation tool yourself working with Ansible in java.

How do I use this?

Use it in your class:

import com.github.woostju.ssh.SshClientConfig;
import com.github.woostju.ansible.AnsibleClient;
import com.github.woostju.ansible.ReturnValue;
import com.github.woostju.ansible.ReturnValue.Result;


public void execute() {
	AnsibleClient client = new AnsibleClient(new SshClientConfig("hostIp", "sshPort", "username", "password", null));
	Map<String, ReturnValue> result =client.execute(new PingCommand(Lists.newArrayList(host_inner_ip)), 1000);

It is recommended to use AnsibleClient with SshClientPool, so that ansibleClient borrows sshClient from the pool to execute command, to avoid create ssh connection each time:

import com.github.woostju.ssh.SshClientConfig;
import com.github.woostju.ansible.AnsibleClient;
import com.github.woostju.ansible.ReturnValue;
import com.github.woostju.ansible.ReturnValue.Result;
import com.github.woostju.ssh.pool.SshClientsPool;


// inject the auto-configured one
SshClientsPool pool;

public void execute() {
	AnsibleClient client = new AnsibleClient(new SshClientConfig("hostIp", "sshPort", "username", "password", null), pool);
	Map<String, ReturnValue> result =client.execute(new PingCommand(Lists.newArrayList(host_inner_ip)), 1000);

To get more usage, please refer to the unit test code and java docs.

How does it work?

AnsibleClient connects to Ansible server with ssh, and sends an Ansible adhoc command to server, and parses the output into ReturnValue.

How many Ansible module does ansible-client support?

Until this release, ansible-client supports modules below:

module name module class description official link
command CmdCommand The command will be executed on hosts link
copy CopyCommand Copies a file from the local or remote machine to a location on the remote machine link
file FileCommand Manage files and file properties link
git GitCommand Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts link
ping PingCommand Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return pong on success link
playbook PlaybookCommand Run playbook with ansible-playbook executable link
script ScriptCommand Runs a local script on a remote node after transferring it link

Since Ansible itself has dozens of modules, you can also define your custom command class to work with AnsibleClient.

import java.util.List;

import com.github.woostju.ansible.Module;

* Add or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host.
public class Mssql_dbCommand extends Command{

	 * @param hosts target hosts
	public Mssql_dbCommand(List<String> hosts, String login_host, String login_password, int login_port, String login_user, String name, String target, String state) {
		this(hosts, Lists.newArrayList("login_host="+login_host,
		"state="+state), null);
	public Mssql_dbCommand(List<String> hosts, List<String> moduleArgs, List<String> options) {
		super(hosts,, moduleArgs, options);


This code is under the Apache Licence v2.

Additional Resources

  • SshClientPool a java implementation of ssh clients object pool with sshj, apache common pool2, expectIt