skarf icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
skarf copied to clipboard

A self-hosted linktree.


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Self-Hosted Linktree/ with easy configuration.

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Screenshot of Skarf - 1 Screenshot of Skarf - 2

Installation Guide

With Docker

First you'll have to make a new directory, where skarf can store its data. Then make a docker-compose.yml that looks like this

version: "3.3"
    container_name: skarf
      - "8080:80" # To expose skarf onto the host machine (remove this if you are using a reverse proxy such as traefik)
      - "./static:/app/static" # To store data in the [website]/static/ url
      - "./config:/app/config" # To store the config.yml config
    image: ""

After running, 2 new directories should pop up static/ and config/ it is important to copy the config/config.yml into the config/ directory and restarting the container so skarf can configure itself and if you want your own images, you need to put files into static/ and it can be accessed from the config with under the static/ url.

Now you can run docker-compose up -d

How did the name skarf come to be

Its simple, its a card type app thing, card -> scarf and for some reason there is a thing already called that! so I replaced the c with a k to make skarf