semshi copied to clipboard
UpdateRemotePlugins empty list
When opening a Python file, I see the message
:Semshi not found. Run :UpdateRemotePlugins
After running that command, I get the message
remote/host: python3 host registered plugins []
I'm unsure how to fix this, but it seems that Semshi is not being installed. If it's significant, this is on Windows 10, using Python 3.10
I installed Semshi using the LazyVim extra, if you want to see the config.
You can remove the ~/.local/share/nvim/rplugin.vim
manifest file (or at stdpath("data")
on windows) manually and try :UpdateRemotePlugins
If semshi is "loaded" through Lazy (don't use lazy loading btw), rplugins will register plugins in the manifest file. Make sure the plugin has been loaded and it exists in &runtimepath