semshi copied to clipboard
option to specify number and string colors?
how could i have the functionality to change the double quoted string, number/floats etc aswell. i dont mind if this is not added to the plugin, probably not everybody would want this. It would be nice to have a way of setting this though even if i have to add some code to my local semshi.vim file. What i really would like is the below colors in the setup somehow:
-- python -- Normal text: #ddedff -- comment: #5a83a4 -- String: #00c8ff -- Number: #fbff00 -- keywords: #ee00ff -- Builtin: #fabc02 -- Defonitions: #88e63c -- Instances: #ff3b18
this is the code i have atm to setup the plugin with lazy if that helps anybody.
return {
ft = "python",
build = ":UpdateRemotePlugins",
version = "*", -- Recommended to use the latest release
init = function() -- example, skip if you're OK with the default config
vim.g["semshi#error_sign"] = true
vim.g["semshi#excluded_hl_groups"] = {}
config = function()
-- python
-- Normal text: #ddedff
-- comment: #5a83a4
-- String: #00c8ff
-- Number: #fbff00
-- keywords: #ee00ff
-- Builtin: #fabc02
-- Defonitions: #88e63c
-- Instances: #ff3b18
-- Setting up an autogroup and autocmd.
local semshi_custom_highlights = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("lint", { clear = true })
{ "BufEnter" },
pattern = { "*.py" },
group = semshi_custom_highlights,
callback = function()
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiGlobal ctermfg=214 guifg=#BBDBFF]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiImported ctermfg=214 guifg=#ddedff]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiParameter ctermfg=117 guifg=#BBDBFF]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiParameterUnused ctermfg=75 guifg=#5fafff cterm=underline gui=underline]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiFree ctermfg=218 guifg=#ffafd7]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiBuiltin ctermfg=207 guifg=#fabc02]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiAttribute ctermfg=49 guifg=#9BCAF9]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiSelf ctermfg=249 guifg=#ff3b18]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiUnresolved ctermfg=226 guifg=#ffff00 cterm=underline gui=underline]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiSelected ctermfg=231 guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=161 guibg=#1a72bb]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiErrorSign ctermfg=231 guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=160 guibg=#d70000]])
vim.cmd([[highlight semshiErrorChar ctermfg=231 guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=160 guibg=#d70000]])