woocommerce-blocks copied to clipboard
Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
Awaiting Schedule
These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.
- [ ] Lock file maintenance
Rate Limited
These updates are currently rate limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- [ ] Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.8
- [ ] Update dependency @woocommerce/eslint-plugin to v2.2.0
- [ ] Update dependency commander to v9.4.0
- [ ] Update dependency eslint-import-resolver-typescript to v3.4.0
- [ ] Update dependency glob to v7.2.3
- [ ] Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v1.6.2
- [ ] Update dependency postcss-loader to v4.3.0
- [ ] Update dependency puppeteer to v15.5.0
- [ ] Update dependency sass-loader to v10.3.1
- [ ] Update dependency terser-webpack-plugin to v3.1.0
- [ ] Update dependency webpack to v4.46.0
- [ ] Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.32.0 (
) - [ ] Update wordpress monorepo (
) - [ ] Update dependency @octokit/graphql to v5
- [ ] Update dependency @testing-library/react to v13
- [ ] Update dependency @testing-library/react-hooks to v8
- [ ] Update dependency @testing-library/user-event to v14
- [ ] Update dependency @types/react to v18
- [ ] Update dependency @types/react-dom to v18
- [ ] Update dependency @types/wordpress__block-editor to v7
- [ ] Update dependency @types/wordpress__data to v6
- [ ] Update dependency chalk to v5
- [ ] Update dependency copy-webpack-plugin to v11
- [ ] Update dependency glob to v8
- [ ] Update dependency glob-promise to v5
- [ ] Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2
- [ ] Update dependency postcss-loader to v7
- [ ] Update dependency puppeteer to v16
- [ ] Update dependency sass-loader to v13
- [ ] Update dependency terser-webpack-plugin to v5
- [ ] Update dependency webpack to v5
- [ ] Update dependency webpack-cli to v4
- [ ] Update jest monorepo to v28 (major) (
) - [ ] Update wordpress monorepo (major) (
) - [ ] Update actions/setup-node digest to 2a814b5
- [ ] Update actions/upload-artifact digest to 3cea537
- [ ] Update Node.js to v16.16.0
- [ ] Update dependency mariadb to v10.8
- [ ] Update actions/cache action to v3
- [ ] Update dependency html-react-parser to v3
- [ ] Update dependency use-debounce to v8
- [ ] Update dependency wordpress-components to v19
- [ ] Update react monorepo to v18 (major) (
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] Update dependency node-fetch to 2.6.7 [SECURITY]
- [ ] Update dependency nth-check to 2.0.1 [SECURITY]
- [ ] Pin dependencies (
) - [ ] Update babel monorepo to v7.18.10 (
) - [ ] Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.48
- [ ] Update dependency core-js to v3.24.1
Detected dependencies
mariadb 10.5
wordpress cli-php7.4
pullreminders/label-when-approved-action master
actions/checkout v3
woocommerce/automations v1
acq688/Request-Reviewer-For-Team-Action v1.1
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node v3
preactjs/compressed-size-action v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/upload-artifact v3
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/download-artifact v3
actions/stale v5
actions/checkout v3
github/codeql-action v2
github/codeql-action v2
github/codeql-action v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node 5b52f097d36d4b0b2f94ed6de710023fbb8b2236
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
AbleLincoln/push-to-sftp v1.2
mshick/add-pr-comment v1
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/upload-artifact v3
ataylorme/eslint-annotate-action 1.2.0
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/checkout v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v2
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/cache v2
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/upload-artifact v3
actions/upload-artifact e448a9b857ee2131e752b06002bf0e093c65e571
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/cache v2
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/upload-artifact v3
actions/upload-artifact e448a9b857ee2131e752b06002bf0e093c65e571
actions/checkout v3
woocommerce/automations v1
act10ns/slack v1
actions/checkout v3
woocommerce/automations v1
act10ns/slack v1
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/upload-artifact v3
actions/cache v2
shivammathur/setup-php v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/download-artifact v3
actions/cache v2
actions/checkout v3
actions/cache v3
actions/setup-node v3
actions/download-artifact v3
act10ns/slack v1
actions/checkout v3
10up/action-wordpress-plugin-deploy stable
actions/upload-release-asset v1
act10ns/slack v1
eslint ^8.3.0
node ^16.13.0
npm ^8.0.0
@wordpress/autop 3.12.0
@wordpress/compose 5.5.0
@wordpress/deprecated 3.12.0
@wordpress/icons 6.1.1
@wordpress/notices 3.12.0
@wordpress/plugins 4.10.0
@wordpress/primitives 3.0.4
@wordpress/server-side-render 3.10.0
@wordpress/url 3.13.0
@wordpress/wordcount 3.12.0
classnames 2.3.1
compare-versions 4.1.3
config 3.3.7
dataloader 2.1.0
dinero.js 1.9.1
downshift 6.1.7
html-react-parser 0.14.3
react-number-format 4.9.3
reakit 1.3.11
snakecase-keys 5.4.2
trim-html 0.1.9
use-debounce 7.0.1
wordpress-components 14.2.0
@actions/core 1.9.0
@actions/github 5.0.3
@automattic/color-studio 2.5.0
@babel/cli 7.18.9
@babel/core 7.18.9
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.18.6
@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx 7.18.6
@babel/polyfill 7.12.1
@babel/preset-typescript 7.18.6
@octokit/graphql 4.8.0
@storybook/addon-a11y 6.5.9
@storybook/addon-essentials 6.5.9
@storybook/addon-links 6.5.9
@storybook/addon-storysource 6.5.9
@storybook/addons 6.5.9
@storybook/client-api 6.5.9
@storybook/react 6.5.9
@testing-library/jest-dom 5.16.4
@testing-library/react 12.1.5
@testing-library/react-hooks 7.0.2
@testing-library/user-event 13.5.0
@types/classnames 2.3.0
@types/dinero.js 1.9.0
@types/gtag.js 0.0.10
@types/jest 27.5.2
@types/jest-environment-puppeteer 5.0.2
@types/jquery 3.5.14
@types/lodash 4.14.182
@types/puppeteer 5.4.6
@types/react 17.0.47
@types/react-dom 17.0.17
@types/wordpress__block-editor 6.0.6
@types/wordpress__blocks 11.0.5
@types/wordpress__compose 4.0.1
@types/wordpress__data 4.6.11
@types/wordpress__data-controls 2.2.0
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.30.5
@typescript-eslint/parser 5.30.5
@woocommerce/api 0.2.0
@woocommerce/e2e-utils 0.2.0
@woocommerce/eslint-plugin 2.0.0
@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api 1.0.1
@wordpress/api-fetch 6.9.0
@wordpress/babel-preset-default 6.14.0
@wordpress/base-styles 4.0.4
@wordpress/block-editor 8.2.0
@wordpress/blocks 11.1.5
@wordpress/browserslist-config 4.1.2
@wordpress/components 19.1.5
@wordpress/data-controls 2.2.7
@wordpress/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin 3.2.1
@wordpress/dom 3.2.7
@wordpress/e2e-test-utils 7.8.0
@wordpress/e2e-tests 4.6.0
@wordpress/element 4.0.4
@wordpress/env 4.9.0
@wordpress/html-entities 3.12.0
@wordpress/i18n 4.14.0
@wordpress/is-shallow-equal 4.13.0
@wordpress/prettier-config 1.4.0
@wordpress/scripts 22.3.0
autoprefixer 10.4.7
axios 0.27.2
babel-plugin-explicit-exports-references ^1.0.2
babel-plugin-react-docgen 4.2.1
babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions 6.24.1
babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread 6.26.0
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx 6.24.1
babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types 0.4.24
chalk 4.1.2
circular-dependency-plugin 5.2.2
commander 9.3.0
copy-webpack-plugin 6.4.1
core-js 3.23.3
create-file-webpack 1.0.2
cross-env 7.0.3
cssnano 5.1.12
deep-freeze 0.0.1
eslint-import-resolver-typescript 3.2.4
eslint-import-resolver-webpack 0.13.2
eslint-plugin-import 2.26.0
eslint-plugin-woocommerce file:bin/eslint-plugin-woocommerce
eslint-plugin-you-dont-need-lodash-underscore 6.12.0
expect-puppeteer 6.1.1
follow-redirects 1.15.1
fs-extra 10.1.0
gh-pages 4.0.0
github-label-sync 2.2.0
glob 7.1.7
glob-promise 4.2.2
husky 2.4.1
ignore-loader 0.1.2
jest-circus 27.5.1
jest-environment-puppeteer 6.1.1
jest-fetch-mock 3.0.3
jest-html-reporters 3.0.10
json2md 1.12.0
lint-staged 13.0.3
lodash 4.17.21
markdown-it 13.0.1
merge-config 2.0.0
mini-css-extract-plugin 1.3.6
patch-package 6.4.7
postcss 8.4.14
postcss-loader 4.2.0
prettier 2.6.2
progress-bar-webpack-plugin 2.1.0
promptly 3.2.0
puppeteer 15.3.2
react-docgen 5.4.3
react-test-renderer 17.0.2
request-promise 4.2.6
rimraf 3.0.2
sass-loader 10.1.0
storybook-addon-react-docgen 1.2.42
terser-webpack-plugin 3.0.3
typescript 4.7.4
utility-types 3.10.0
webpack 4.44.2
webpack-bundle-analyzer 4.5.0
webpack-cli 3.3.12
webpack-rtl-plugin 2.0.0
wp-types 3.60.0
zenhub-api 0.2.0
ndb 1.1.5
react ^17.0.0
react-dom ^17.0.0
node ^16.13.0
npm ^8.0.0
node 16.13.2
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository