facebook-for-woocommerce icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
facebook-for-woocommerce copied to clipboard

Double products in the facebook shop

Open GiannisRallis opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

Hello support i want you help please.

I manage a woocomerce shop. I have connect the facebook for woocomerce shop with faceboook and i have a problem. When i upload a new variable product with sizes M,L,S etc. in the facebook shop uploaded double variable products one with sku+id and images and another with prefix wp_post_id without image. The links from each product (on facebook shop )redirects to the same product in the woocomerce shop. I have delete the plugin and reconfigure with new pixel but the same result. Can you please explain me what happens? image1 image2 image3

GiannisRallis avatar May 22 '21 10:05 GiannisRallis

Facebook shops are a mess, I just had to delete my entire catalog and resync a new one, second time this year https://github.com/woocommerce/facebook-for-woocommerce/issues/1987 and https://github.com/woocommerce/facebook-for-woocommerce/issues/1803

mitchellkrogza avatar Jun 03 '21 08:06 mitchellkrogza

Both #1987 and #1803 are resolved. And the duplication issues have been addressed in recent releases. I will close this. Please feel free to reopen if this happens again.

rawdreeg avatar Sep 14 '22 15:09 rawdreeg