react-native-orientation-locker copied to clipboard
IOS orientation
Hi there, currently i'm added android:screenOrientation:"Portrait" on Android Manifest, and uncheck landscape options on Xcode to only allow portrait mode. But one of my screen need to set into landscape. For Android is working, but IOS not working. Any comment? Thank You.
componentDidMount() { Orientation.lockToLandscape() }
componentWillUnmount() { Orientation.lockToPortrait() }
Check xcode for these check boxes:
same issue here. Android works fine, but on iOS I can not lockToLandscapeLeft. The methods seems to be called because I get a "Locked to Landscape Left" on the debug console in XCode.
"Landscape Left" is checked in General / Deployment Info.
RN: 0.60.5 react-native-orientation-locker: 1.1.6
@voxspox please double check your manual linking for iOS at AppDelegate.m, I was having the same problem and it was because those lines were missing... and be sure that you ran pod install