Wolf Vollprecht

Results 506 comments of Wolf Vollprecht

you can test if a point is on the bounded side of a polygon with poly.oriented_side(sg.Point2(1, 2)) https://scikit-geometry.github.io/scikit-geometry/polygon.html

I am interested but I don't personally have enough time these days :) But if you or someone else sends Pull Requests I am happy to review & merge them!

Hi both, does one of you want to submit scikit-geometry to the Conda-forge rebuild for osx-arm64? https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge-pinning-feedstock/blob/master/recipe/migrations/osx_arm64.txt That should fix these kinds of issues and a native version of scikit-geometry...

Hi @nadavsuissa yes, definitely. All kinds of contributions are welcome! Currently using scikit-geometry through Jupyter Notebooks is quite convenient. Maybe you can find good GUI interfaces using notebooks + ipywidgets?

Yeah, we might have to add the overload to the python bindings: https://github.com/scikit-geometry/scikit-geometry/blob/634270b782ed35989741136f203a4aeeedfb1b8c/src/kernel.cpp#L633-L636 Do you want to give that a try?

Yes, that would probably work!

I think iterating over all segments or putting the segments into a Arrangement should work :)

I think we have the offset polygon functions (at least using the straight skeleton methods). You could also approximate the circle with a polygon although that's somewhat wasteful.

Can you check if this is fixed with #61 ?

Hi, yeah, it's not yet possible to install scikit-geometry from pypi. The package is available through `conda-forge` though. I need to look into how we could create a Python wheel.