Stefan Wolf
Stefan Wolf
@melix Did you already open an issue on `gradle/gradle` for this problem? I suppose we could do different things when we can't detect the toolchains from the registry and fall...
You can get the latest version from The latest version is currently `0.22-milestone-10`. We have not yet been able to publish the new libraries to jCenter.
This seems to happen only for this test: [`can detect #removedAncestry removed`]( It doesn't seem to happen if I only run one of the elements of the `where` clause -...
Note that the log does not appear as part of the test output, but on the console as build output.
With latest `master`, the problem seems to be gone.
The issue seem to happen to me again. Re-opening.
We should check if the error happens on our macOS agents. The message seems to end up in the build scan log for the `fileWatching:integTest` task.
Yeah, I didn't do the update to Catalina, yet.
Yep, still on my list of things to do.
I don't think we addressed this. So what happens is that we drop the VFS when the watched directory is renamed, because we receive an unknown event. I think this...