Patrick Wolf
Patrick Wolf
Having the same issue, report below. ``` ➜ nx report > NX Report complete - copy this into the issue template Node : 16.16.0 OS : darwin arm64 yarn :...
This fixed it for me as well. `"@nrwl/workspace": "14.7.5"`
Is the long tail of maintenance mode to eventually archive the project? No worries either way, I'm just trying to understand the direction. Meaning are you feature complete, and only...
I ran into the same issue. fastlane sigh worked for me.
Hi @stevenceuppens, I should be circling back around to this project soon as I have a need for it. I don't think it would be too difficult to expose that...
@dblock @larryzhao I was able to get this to work in my own project. Instead of manually requiring your development files, you need to have them autoloaded. Active Support has...
@dblock No problem, however I will likely get to it tomorrow.
@skydan Sorry, I haven't had time to merge this into this repo. I started a new project with Goliath and Grape, without using this structure. However, I did see this...
@skydan Note the project is a bit out of whack. You can look at specifically and you can basically put that into the application.rb in this project. All in...
Is the on_close event firing? Can you put a logger/puts statement in there? You would also need to make sure that the paths that are in autoload_paths are relative to...