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Asset listed in AM/not in PKL/referenced in CPL
Imagine this DCP with 1 PackingList and 1 CompositionPlaylist:
- AssetMap listing n distinct content assets
- PKL listing n-1 distinct content assets from AssetMap
- CPL referencing n distinct content assets as listed in AssetMap
According to specification this would be an incomplete composition because the PKL is missing one content asset referenced by the CPL.
- (incorrectly) reports the CPL as OV
- does not provide info/hint/error regarding the n-1 listing in PKL
Thanks to Marko Pekić for providing the test case.
Confirmed on Doremi ShowVault: The composition correctly ends up incomplete.
dcp_inspect is looking in the wrong place (AM dictionary) to find the referenced asset, finds it, too, and thus remains silent.
Big one.