Wolfgang Engel
Wolfgang Engel
It is not ... we still have to implement it.
This is a question you want to ask in the Ozz forum. We use Ozz as it is ... just converting everything like memory management, file access, logging, math etc....
I am not sure I understand what you are asking for? What is your usage case? We used this for VR apps in the past.
We have people who worked on the CAVE and a bunch of VR apps, let me ask them ... I get back.
We will look into it.
We are looking into this.
Hi, we have Quest support now in the public release. I think that should close this issue?
Ok. Please send me PM and we can add you to GitLab.
Just saw this. We will look into this. Is that game running on an Android phone?
We are working on this. It won't make it to the next release but maybe the one after.