lstm copied to clipboard
replicate(x_inp, batch_size)
I'm having trouble understanding replicate
-- Stacks replicated, shifted versions of x_inp
-- into a single matrix of size x_inp:size(1) x batch_size.
local function replicate(x_inp, batch_size)
local s = x_inp:size(1)
local x = torch.zeros(torch.floor(s / batch_size), batch_size)
for i = 1, batch_size do
local start = torch.round((i - 1) * s / batch_size) + 1
local finish = start + x:size(1) - 1
x:sub(1, x:size(1), i, i):copy(x_inp:sub(start, finish))
return x
Fom the comment I expected that the output would be a matrix of size number_of_words
by batch_size
But the output is torch.floor(s / batch_size)
by batch_size
If i load the first 5 lines from ptb.train.txt
x is:
x:view(14, 8) -- change view for printing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 28
25 40 27 41 42 43 27 44
33 45 46 47 25 48 27 28
29 30 49 50 42 43 51 52
53 54 55 56 36 37 38 43
57 58 59 60 25 36 61 43
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 36 72 73 43 74 75
76 36 47 43 77 78 65 79
80 81 28 29 82 83 84 25
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 14x8]
And the output from from replicate is:
replicate(x, 20)
1 7 12 18 23 29 35 28 43 46 29 51 56 58 61 66 36 75 78 28
2 8 13 19 24 30 36 25 27 47 30 52 36 59 43 67 72 76 65 29
3 9 14 20 25 31 37 40 44 25 49 53 37 60 62 68 73 36 79 82
4 10 15 21 26 32 38 27 33 48 50 54 38 25 63 69 43 47 80 83
5 11 16 22 27 33 39 41 45 27 42 55 43 36 64 70 74 43 81 84
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 5x20]
Why is every second column shifted one? e.g 5-7, 11-12, 16-18, 22-23 etc?
yup, it's off. Thx.
local nBatches = torch.floor(data:size(1)/batchSize)
local x = torch.zeros(nBatches, batchSize)
for i = 1, batchSize do
local start = (i-1) * nBatches + 1
local finish = i * nBatches
x:sub(1, nBatches, i, i):copy(data:sub(start, finish))