Wolfram Schmidt
Wolfram Schmidt
We have also run into this issue. A similar case is, when "Mark Attendance" has been run and Employee Checkins are created after the Attendance has been marked. Maybe it...
Hey @nikhilponnuru our solution to this for the moment is a addon app that we have created: https://github.com/phamos-eu/HR-Addon You'll find the documentation here: https://doku.phamos.eu/books/hr-addon Hope it might help :)
@reggaetuna schau mal ob Du sowas schon lösen könntest :) Wichtig ist natürlich auch die Funktion dahinter. Aber schritt-für-schritt versteht sich
@reggaetuna da gehts um was anderes. Was du beschreibst passiert glaub im Urlaubsantrag. Das funzt. Mir gehts aber um die Urlaubsliste. Hintergrund: Der 24. und der 31. werden in vielen...
Hi @Shootify how can I help you? What requirements do you have?
sure, we can do that. Best you can in contact with us via https://phamos.eu/contact or just send an e-mail with some details to [email protected]
- [ ] take this in consideration https://github.com/tueit/it_management/issues/170
@joelios added hidden custom field "User Account" to DocType User Group to fix error in dashboard.
@canlann vermutlich ist es einfacher, wenn wir die Benutzer pflegen und dort die Gruppen zuordnen. Aus der Gruppe heraus finden wir die User dann eben über die Links im Dashboard....
Hi @osama1998H thank you for this input. Yes, you are right. These things are missing as of now. Sorry, we have not gotten round to implementing these steps yet. We...