LeakLooker copied to clipboard
Windows Python Console
Running on windows python3 and installed the color dependency. The output is likely showing the color codes im assuming instead of being displayed properly.
C:\Users\Andre's Server V2\Python3>py LeakLooker.py --mongodb --couchdb --kibana --elastic --first 12 --last 14 LeakLooker - Find open databases https://medium.com/@woj_ciech https://github.com/woj-ciech/ Example: python leaklooker.py --mongodb --couchdb --kibana --elastic --first 21 --last 37 ←[31m----------------------------------Elastic - Page 12--------------------------------←[39m Found 25069 results IP: http://←[92mxxx.xxx.xx.xx:9200/_cat/indices?v←[39m Size: ←[92m858M←[39m Country: ←[94mKorea, Republic of←[39m Indices: ←[32m.kibana_2←[39m ←[32m.kibana_1←[39m ←[32m.monitoring-kibana-6-2019.01.09←[39m
replaced IP with xxx
Proof dependency is installed:
C:\Users\Andre's Server V2\Python3>pip3 install colorama Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\andre's server v2\python3\lib\site-packages (0.4.1)
@LandyLane I fixed it and made a pull request. Check my fork if you are still interested.