oculante icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
oculante copied to clipboard

A fast and simple image viewer / editor for many opering systems



A no-nonsense hardware-accelerated image viewer

Oculante's vision is to be a fast, unobtrusive, portable image viewer with wide image format support, offering image analysis and basic editing tools.

  • Completely bloat-free
  • Available for Win, Mac, Linux and NetBSD
  • Supports a wide range of images and SVG
  • Can display unassociated channels correctly (If your image uses alpha and color channels to encode data in a special way)
  • Lets you pick pixels, displays location and color values
  • Offers basic nondestructive editing: Crop, resize, paint, contrast, HSV, rotate, blur, noise, ...

Build Status


Correct color channel display:

Images may contain color information that is masked by the alpha channel. Although it's present you will not see it since usually RGB values are multiplied with the A channel when displayed. If you press u you will be able to inspect such data.



Just download the executable for your system from the releases tab (https://github.com/woelper/oculante/releases). No installation is required. In order to open images you can configure your system to open your desired image formats with oculante, drag them onto the executable or into the window. Right now the executables are roughly 10MB.

On NetBSD, a pre-compiled binary is available through the native package manager. To install it, simply run

pkgin install oculante


Image format support:

  • bmp
  • gif (animation support and correct timing)
  • hdr, tonemapped
  • ico
  • jpeg
  • png
  • pnm
  • tga
  • avif
  • tiff
  • webp (via libwebp-sys - image had very limited format support)
  • farbfeld
  • DDS (DXT1-5, via dds-rs)
  • psd (via psd)
  • svg (via resvg)
  • exr (via exr-rs), tonemapped

Platform support:

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • NetBSD

Misc features

  • Image info (i) (pixel position, color info)
  • Threaded image loading
  • Fit image to view
  • Low cpu usage
  • Pretty fast startup/loading time
  • Display unassociated / unpremultiplied alpha (u)
  • Network listen mode: Start with oculante -l port and oculante will switch to receive mode. You can then pipe raw image data to that port, for example using nc localhost 8888 < image.jpg. Image types will be auto-detected. If you pipe image sequences, these will be played at about 30 fps so you can pipe videos to it. This can be useful to visualize images from a headless system.


Esc/q = quit

i = display extended info

e = display edit toolbox

v = reset view

r,g,b,a = display red/green/blue/alpha channel

c = display color channel

u = display colors unpremultiplied

f = toggle fullscreen

mouse wheel, + - = zoom

left mouse,middle mouse, Left Right Up Down = pan

Left/Right = prev/next image in folder

Right mouse pick color from image (in paint mode)

Please submit bugs and feature requests on this github repo!


  • Image loading time is still worse than feh or xv
  • Tests and benchmarks
  • Image rotation (and read EXIF for that)
  • Investigate PVR / ETC support
  • Brighness/gamma adjust for HDR
  • ~~SVG support~~
  • ~~Custom display for images with unassociated channels~~
  • ~~EXR support~~
  • ~~Read next image(s) in dir and advance to them~~