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Simple Vue Component That Makes Titles More Readable.

Vue Wrap Balancer

Vue port of React Wrap Balancer. Check here for a demo with Nuxt.

Vue Wrap Balancer is a simple Vue Component that makes your titles more readable in different viewport sizes. It improves the wrapping to avoid situations like single word in the last line, makes the content more “balanced”:


npm install vue-wrap-balancer


Wrap text content with it:

<script setup>
import WrapBalancer from 'vue-wrap-balancer'

    <WrapBalancer>My Awesome Title</WrapBalancer>


<WrapBalancer> is the main component of the library. It will automatically balance the text content inside it. It accepts the following props:

  • as (optional): The HTML tag to be used to wrap the text content. Default to span.
  • ratio (optional): The ratio of “balance-ness”, 0 <= ratio <= 1. Default to 1.
  • preferNative (optional): An option to skip the re-balance logic and use the native CSS text-balancing if supported. Default to true.
  • nonce (optional): The nonce attribute to allowlist inline script injection by the component.


If you have multiple <WrapBalancer> components used, it’s recommended (but optional) to use <BalancerProvider> to wrap the entire app. This will make them share the re-balance logic and reduce the HTML size:

<script setup>
import { BalancerProvider } from 'vue-wrap-balancer'

    <App />

For use cases, please visit

For Vue 2, check this branch.

Browser Support Information


Browser Min Version
Chrome 64
Edge 79
Safari 13.1
FireFox 69
Opera 51
IE No Support


Browser Min Version
Chrome 64
Safari 13.4
Firefox 69
Opera 47
WebView Android 64
