Have you tried start from a scratch config file with only key settings? I don't think ``` smartshift: { on: true; threshold: 30; }; hiresscroll: { hires: true; invert: false;...
What's the difference between the one from brew and the official one? Looks like the brew one comes with same version number.
I believe you need to mapping "KEY_COPY" to copy-feature somewhere in your OS/Window enviroment.
> 可以,但是和这个PR有什么关系呢 完全无关,只是在看的时候突然想起来
Is it possible to use github copilot to suppurt code chat? Just like vscode github copilot's feature? Never mind, I figured it out. Q: Can I use the GitHub Copilot...
更新之后并没有解决这个问题: {"msg":"http error","statusCode":499}
> 官方插件的也有问题,是基于leetcode-cli所导致的。 据说近日leetcode有受到攻击?所以加上了cloudflare,http检查变严格了。 [LeetCode-OpenSource/vscode-leetcode#927](https://github.com/LeetCode-OpenSource/vscode-leetcode/issues/927) thanks man 我还没测 最近lc 还暂停了7分钟服务来更新 我觉得是做了大改动了 顺便一提我觉得官方的没有这个好