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About VOICE Dateset
Hello, I'm trying to replicate your results on the VOICES dataset, but I'm having huge problems,how do you use VOICES as an additional verification set, I see that its trails list and voxceleb1 is very different, voxceleb1 is the audio at both ends and then gives 0/1 to represent whether it belongs to the same speaker, but VOICES is a column of labels, a column of audio Then imp/tar, how do you use it, or did you randomly make a list of trails like voxceleb1, I would like to humbly ask you, I have never encountered this kind of list before, and it is the first time to contact the VOICES dataset, I don't know how to deal with it,I see that you have not uploaded the relevant code on github, perhaps it is convenient, can you tell me how to deal with it, thank you very much for your help!The format of the Voxceleb1 and VOICES datasets is as follows: (1)Voxceleb1_trails: 1 id10270/x6uYqmx31kE/00002.wav id10270/GWXujl-xAVM/00035.wav 0 id10270/x6uYqmx31kE/00002.wav id10306/uzt36PBzT2w/00001.wav 1 id10270/x6uYqmx31kE/00002.wav id10270/GWXujl-xAVM/00038.wav
(2)VOICES_dev-trial-keys.lst: Lab41-SRI-VOiCES-rm1-none-sp3446-ch144019-sg0006-mc03-stu-mid-dg080 sid_dev/sp3521/Lab41-SRI-VOiCES-rm2-musi-sp3521-ch012715-sg0017-mc04-lav-mid-dg090.wav imp Lab41-SRI-VOiCES-rm1-none-sp3446-ch144019-sg0006-mc03-stu-mid-dg080 sid_dev/sp3521/Lab41-SRI-VOiCES-rm2-musi-sp3521-ch012715-sg0006-mc10-lav-cec-dg120.wav imp