Powerful! The question is: will the compiler pick up the declared classes if they are described in another file and were included via the `{$i}` directive. There are plans to...
@MatiDragon-YT > 0871 & 0872 could be used in the case that the SWITCH only contains INTERGERS and if it is also the same as the one with which it...
Buttons clutter up the interface. Maybe need group the filters to combobox and put them with other filters to main panel. It if filters will display correctly with draggable panel....
One way or another, I am making a new version of my script generator and I want to make it based on the SCR modes and the SB library. Technically,...
I am editing ini files. Progress is already small. @x87 I noticed a small joint in "SASCM.ini (SCR)": ```text 0106=6, locate_char_in_car_char_3d %1d% car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h%...
@x87 Hi. I made preliminary versions of the INI files for the "gta3_scr", "gta_vc_scr" and even "gta_sa_scr_v2 (1.0)" modes. The description of the parameters was taken from the SB library....
I have updated the archive. I made SCR INI files for GTA 3 and GTA VC (without plugins yet). I'll try to make the necessary folders for SB. People will...
This procedure is called `Clamp`. I like the idea of adding internal functions to SB like `INC` or others. But this could potentially conflict or duplicate opcodes that could implement...
> I like the general idea of macros defined in the code Hmmm, is it then possible to dynamically add a macro as a class member (pseudo class member)? ```...
> Ohh that would be very good, it would also serve to make multiplatform mods faster. In cases where the opcode changes but the function does not. Hmm, I think...