Michael Wood-Vasey
Michael Wood-Vasey
I've tagged @cwwalter @nsevilla @SimonKrughoff for reviewers. I have some more specific questions for each of you to focus on: 1. @cwwalter Could you specifically look at A. The memory...
@yymao @heather999 I of course always welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to check this out, but no obligation.
@boutigny If you're interested, here's a fuller-fledged Dask example beyond the RA, Dec Notebook you tried out the other month. If you have a chance to run this at IN2P3,...
> But, the main thing I wanted to ask was is it you have any evidence you really need this? > Are you just doing this out of safety, or...
> I'm also puzzling a little over how we would get that env variable set on the worker nodes on the other machines. I'll keep working.. Thank you. I would...
Move to DC2-analysis repo. Low priority
@cwwalter I added some more pedagogical material giving more details of Dask vs. Pandas DataFrame comparisons with discussions of `persist`, memory usage, disk I/O, and computation speeds. I rewrote the...
@cwwalter Will you have a chance to look at this PR in the next week?
My preference would be only on PR, because I don't want to be discouraged from pushing changes. But I'm happy to yield to popular opinion.
@yymao @JoanneBogart Do you have clear opinions on this?