Walaa Eldin Moustafa
Walaa Eldin Moustafa
Spark added void support in https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28833.
Could we run the integration test along with the tool to show the diff between the syntax before and after the change?
Thanks @aastha25 for the PR. I think we need to connect this to existing translations too (replacing some of their functionalities) to make sure the translations work end to end.
Could you please remove Pig references and unit tests since Currently Coral supports reading from HiveQL only?
> Any update on Apache Beam integration? it will be very useful to have beam as well. > > cc: @wmoustafa @khaitranq Thanks @RohitR1 for reaching out! Do you have...
@ivmarkov does it fail only when using the local Metastore or is this just a way to reproduce the issue and the impact actually takes place with a regular Metastore...
Just tried going back up to version 1.0.9 and this can still be reproduced. It may be an issue with the local Metastore implementation. Have you seen this working in...
@ljfgem @funcheetah FYI.
It is a known issue due to shading this library in the same project. It should not affect the build, but I agree it should be fixed for better development...
Thanks for reporting this. Do you have a use case or is it more for completeness? Maybe update the description to add more details?