Wes Modes
Wes Modes
Currently using the Kernighan-Lin Grouping Method, only power of 2 group splits are supported. This is impractical for some course sizes if the goal is to create groups of a...
Currently, the output of gatorgrouper is: ``` Group 1 Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Group 2 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6 ``` It would be extremely helpful for...
Currently, the documentation doesn't mention how the first column of the data.csv file is handled with regard to objective-weights and objective-measures. After some experimentation, I concluded that the first objective-weight...
Currently, the ``num-group`` parameter allows you to specify how many groups. This is often less useful than being able to specify how many members are optimally in each group. This...
The current documentation says ```By supplying weights via the --objective-weights flag, the user can control the relative importance of each column in the data.``` However, there is no mention what...