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List of Application Areas

Open echarpent opened this issue 2 years ago • 34 comments

Initial request

I refer to the Application Areas Codes list in the WMDR. INFCOM-2 recommended changes to WIGOS Manual in relation to the evolved Rolling Review of Requirements process per WMO's Earth System Approach. In doing so, it introduced the concept of Earth System Application Category (ESAC), which is effectively a grouping of Application Areas into 1. Space Weather, 2. Atmospheric, 3. Oceanic, 4. Hydrological & Terrestrial, 5. Cryospheric, and 6. Integrated Earth System Applications. It also expanded the list of Application Areas, which are now grouped into ESACs. See related INFCOM-2 INF 6.1(3) and its Annex 1. Some further changes were then also proposed by SERCOM and its ET-MOR with regard to the Oceanic Applications ESAC. These will have to be considered (I will provide the table in a next message).

Amendment details

_updated 8 June 2023 draft of proposal so far:


notation path name Definition
cryosphere na Cryosphere EGOS-IP
energy na Energy sector Economic activities that produce or distribute energy, such as renewable energies, e.g. solar, thermal, wind
health na Health sector Health-related services, often provided to the public, particularly those related to prevention, e.g. pollen allergies, UV radiation, heat wave alerts
hydrology na Hydrology Hydrology covers the assessment of the quantity and quality of water resources, both surface and groundwater (in support of the National Authorities responsible for water management in a wide range of activities), in order to meet the needs of society, to permit mitigation of water-related hazards, and to maintain or enhance the condition of the global environment. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SOG-Hydrology.pdf
oceanApplications na Ocean applications http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Ocean.pdf
spaceWeather na Space weather Space weather is a discipline which aims at observing, understanding and predicting the state of the Sun, of the interplanetary and planetary environments, their disturbances, and the potential impacts of these disturbances on biological and technological systems. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-SW.pdf
terrestrialEcology na Terrestrial ecology Activities and services related to the terrestrial environment, e.g., relating to bio-diversity
transport na Transportation sector Economic activities related to transportation of people and goods, on land, air and water


notes notation path name Definition
supersede by 2.6 atmosphericCompositionForecasting na Forecasting atmospheric composition Applications from global to regional scales (with horizontal resolutions similar to global NWP (~10 km and coarser) with stringent timeliness requirements (NRT) to support operations such as sand and dust storm and chemical weather forecasts [source: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/documents/FINAL_GAW_221.pdf]
supersede by 2.6 atmosphericCompositionMonitoring na Monitoring atmospheric composition Applications related to evaluating and analysing changes (temporally and spatially) in atmospheric composition regionally and globally to support treaty monitoring, climatologies and re-analyses, assessing trends in composition and emissions/ fluxes, and to better understand processes, using data of controlled quality (and with less stringent time requirements (not needed in NRT)), and used in products such as Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Bulletins, and State/Health of the Atmosphere reports [source: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/documents/FINAL_GAW_221.pdf]
supersede by 6.2 climateScience na Climate Science This application area aims at coordinating international research to improve the understanding, analysis and prediction o
f the Earth System
supersede by 2.5 climateApplications na Climate applications Climate applications cover the effective application of climate knowledge and information for the benefit of society and the provision of climate services, including the prediction of significant climate variations both natural and as a result of human activity. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Climate- CCl.pdf
supersede by 2.5 climateMonitoring na Climate monitoring (GCOS) Climate monitoring (as supported through GCOS) covers the GCOS coordinated international network of global observing systems for climate, fundamental to detect, model and assess climate change, support adaptation to climate change, monitor the effectiveness of policies for mitigating climate change, develop climate information services, promote sustainable national economic development and meet other requirements of the UNFCCC and other convention and agreements. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/gcos/


notation path name Definition
globalNumericalWeatherPrediction \Atmospheric Applications 2.1 Global Numerical Weather Prediction and Real-time Monitoring (~(GNWP)~) Global Numerical Weather Prediction ~Global numerical weather prediction (GNWP) covers numerical weather prediction on a global scale, required for weather forecasting for more than a few days ahead. NWP uses mathematical models of the atmosphere and oceans to predict the weather based on current conditions of the atmosphere and oceans. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Global-NWP.pdf~
highResolutionNumericalWeatherPrediction \Atmospheric Applications 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction (~(HRNWP)~) High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction ~High-resolution numerical weather prediction (HRNWP) covers forecasting of meteorological events over a limited area with a 1-5 km horizontal resolution, for 1 or 2 days ahead. Its high spatial resolutions allows: (i) to get more realistic descriptions of the surface and of atmospheric phenomena such as clouds and precipitation or boundary layer processes; and (ii) to use denser and more frequent observations than global NWP over the area of interest. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-HighRes-NWP.pdf~
nowcasting \Atmospheric Applications 2.3 Nowcasting / Very Short-Range Forecasting ~(NVSRF)~ Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting ~Nowcasting and very short-range forecasting (NVSRF) covers the 0-12 hours forecasting range with high time and space resolution, focusing on rapid evolving phenomena like convection and using dedicated algorithms with combined relevant observed and model data, to produce forecasts usually near the surface, in a seamless way for the forecast range. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Nowcasting-VSRF.pdf~
integratedUrbanServices \Atmospheric Applications 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas ~Providing atmospheric composition information to support services in urban and populated areas~ Applications that target limited areas (with horizontal resolution of a few km or smaller and stringent timeliness requirements to support services related to weather/climate/pollution, such as air quality forecasting.  ~[source: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/gaw/documents/FINAL_GAW_221.pdf])~
seasonalForecasting \Atmospheric Applications 2.4 Sub-Seasonal to Longer Predictions Sub-seasonal to longer predictions (SSLP) covers predictions in sub-seasonal to decadal time-ranges (roughly two weeks to 10 years), using numerical prediction models based on current and past observations and analyses.  ~http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-SSLP.pdf~
aeronauticalMeteorology \Atmospheric Applications 2.8 Aeronautical Meteorology Meteorological information in support of the safety and optimal efficiency of aviation. ~Aeronautical meteorology covers worldwide, reliable provision of high quality, timely and cost-effective meteorological services to aviation users.~
agriculturalMeteorology \Atmospheric Applications 2.9 Agricultural Meteorology Applications of meteorology to agriculture (agrometeorology). ~Agricultural Meteorology relates to specific weather and climate services addressed to the agricultural community to help develop sustainable agricultural production systems. http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Agriculture.pdf~


notation path name Definition
solarForecasting \Space Weather Applications 1.1 Sun, Heliosphere and Solar Wind Forecasting and Monitoring
particleMagnetosphereForecasting \Space Weather Applications 1.2 Energetic Particle and Magnetosphere Forecasting and Monitoring
ionosphereForecasting \Space Weather Applications 1.3 Ionosphere, Thermosphere and Geomagnetic Field Forecasting and Monitoring
atmosphericClimateMonitoring \Atmospheric Applications 2.5 Atmospheric Climate Monitoring and Forecasting The WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) is an internationally coordinated network of global observing systems for climate, designed to meet the requirements for climate observations, which are essential to climate monitoring. Climate observations are fundamental to detect, model and assess climate change, support adaptation to climate change, monitor the effectiveness of policies for mitigating climate change, develop climate information services, promote sustainable national economic development and meet other requirements of the UNFCCC and other convention and agreements.
atmosphericCompositionForecasting \Atmospheric Applications 2.6 Atmospheric Composition Forecasting and Monitoring Applications related to evaluating and analysing changes (temporally and spatially) in atmospheric composition regionally and globally to support treaty monitoring, climatologies and re-analyses, assessing trends in composition and emissions/fluxes, and to better understand processes, using data of controlled quality (and with less stringent time requirements (not needed in NRT)), and used in products such as Ozone and Greenhouse Gas Bulletins, and State/Health of the Atmosphere reports.
atmosphericDisasterRiskReduction \Atmospheric Applications 2.10 Atmospheric Disaster Risk Reduction
oceanMesoscaleForecasting \Oceanic Applications 3.1 Ocean Mesoscale Forecasting and Real-Time Monitoring
coastalForecasting \Oceanic Applications 3.2 Coastal Forecasting
oceanicClimateMonitoringServices \Oceanic Applications 3.3 Oceanic Climate Monitoring and Services
tsunamiMonitoringDetection \Oceanic Applications 3.4 Tsunami Monitoring and Detection
marineEnvironmentalEmergencyResponse \Oceanic Applications 3.5 Marine Environmental Emergency Response
maritimeSafety \Oceanic Applications 3.6 Maritime Safety (ports to open ocean)
hydrologicalForecasting \Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.1 Hydrological Forecasting and Real-time Monitoring
hydrologicalTerrestrialClimateMonitoring \Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.2 Hydrological and Terrestrial Climate Monitoring
hydrologicalTerrestrialDisasterRiskReduction \Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.3 Hydrological and Terrestrial Disaster Risk Reduction
terrestrialCryosphereForecasting \Cryospheric Applications 5.1 Terrestrial Cryosphere Forecasting and Monitoring
seaIceForecasting \Cryospheric Applications 5.2 Sea-Ice Forecasting and Monitoring
cryosphericClimateMonitoring \Cryospheric Applications 5.3 Cryospheric Climate Monitoring
cryosphericDisasterRiskReduction \Cryospheric Applications 5.4 Cryospheric Disaster Risk Reduction
earthSystemForecasting \Integrated Earth System Applications 6.1 Earth System Forecasting and Monitoring
earthSystemProcesses \Integrated Earth System Applications 6.2 Understanding Earth System Processes



Etienne Charpentier (WMO)


  • WIGOS Program (?)


Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume I.3 and WMO Codes Registry

Expected impact of change

HIGH, the OSCAR/Surface editor will need to be updated and there is not a direct mapping between old and new




echarpent avatar Nov 29 '22 15:11 echarpent

As discussed in my previous message, the current list of ESACs and AAs is available here: Evolved RRR Process 2022 - Lit of ESACs and AAs - post INFCOM-2-v1.0.docx

echarpent avatar Dec 05 '22 12:12 echarpent

@amilan17, I think, this should be moved to the wmds repository, right?

fstuerzl avatar Dec 08 '22 10:12 fstuerzl

@amilan17, I think, this should be moved to the wmds repository, right?

done! Thanks.

amilan17 avatar Dec 08 '22 12:12 amilan17

@amilan17 @echarpent As requested, here are a few comments on this proposal (wearing my TT-WIGOSMD hat!)

  • General. Application Areas should be homogenous (as defined at the head of the table - which is fine) and therefore preferably non-overlapping. With this in mind:
  • Climate monitoring. There are now 5 AAs covering this: 2.5, 3.3, 4.2, 5.1, 5.3. (There used to be one.) So how will overlap and gaps be avoided? Will the review mechanism be within GCOS or with JET-EOSDE. I am particularly concerned about 5.1 and .2, where overlap appears to be built into the AA names.
  • 1.1, Space weather. This is also the name of the parent ESAC. Could the AA name be adjusted. Also 1.2 appears to be a sub-component of 1.1.
  • 6.1, Earth System Forecasting and Monitoring. On the face of it, this appears to overlap several other AAs. Has the scope of 6.1 been defined to ensure that it does not?
  • I think it is the intention that this list should replace the current list, i.e. all entries not on the new list would removed (or deprecated?). Are there are problems, from a WIGOS MD perspective, in removing existing entries?

JREyre avatar Dec 12 '22 18:12 JREyre

@echarpent Do you have a mapping of the old to new application areas?

amilan17 avatar Feb 16 '23 12:02 amilan17

initial mapping exercise: applicationAreaMapping.xlsx

amilan17 avatar Feb 16 '23 12:02 amilan17

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.02.16-TT-WIGOSMD notes:

discussion: Superseding current codes by mapping is difficult, because there one to many, many to one, many to many mappings. It may be more efficient to replace the entire list with a new one. Kruno will collaborate with us on this.

amilan17 avatar Feb 16 '23 13:02 amilan17

@amilan17 : Please set up meeting with Etienne, Kruno, Tom Kralidis (because of WIS topic hierarchy) and myself to discuss this and agree a way forward. Suggestions: 28 March or 30 March. Thanks.

joergklausen avatar Mar 17 '23 08:03 joergklausen

The list of approved application areas is now online: https://space.oscar.wmo.int/applicationareas

amilan17 avatar Mar 17 '23 10:03 amilan17

@amilan17 @joergklausen I've checked the revised list against my comments above (12 Dec 2022). The revision has responded to all my comments, except 6.1. This appears to overlap substantially (completely?) with several of the other AAs, and so it would need a very careful definition/description to explain how it does not overlap. What is the AA 6.1 such that it has different observation requirements from those that it appears to overlap with, and which group is responsible for 6.1?
Anna: When you say "approved", by whom? (Not yet by TT-WIGOSMD?) How can they be approved when many do not yet have descriptions?

JREyre avatar Mar 17 '23 11:03 JREyre

The list of ESACs and AAs is a part of the Manual on WIGOS, recently approved by EC. INFCOM-MG is supposed to approve ESAC/AAs owners, together with the proposed PoCs, at their meeting in 2 weeks. Then the owners/PoCs should work on the population of AAs (description, variables, requirements, etc). Manual on WIGOS says: "Application area 6.1 deals with the integrated Earth System, including all domain interfaces between components of the integrated Earth System."
But also: "The list of Application Areas is intended to include all WMO uses of observations, it needs to be checked periodically for completeness and updated accordingly",

kpremec avatar Mar 17 '23 12:03 kpremec

@kpremec @joergklausen @amilan17 Kruno, Thanks for the explanation of the approval status. I will discuss with you off-line my continuing concerns about 6.1.

JREyre avatar Mar 17 '23 12:03 JREyre

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023-03-17-TT-WIGOSMD notes: Anna and John will come up with a proposal and Anna will set up a meeting as proposed by Joerg above.

amilan17 avatar Mar 17 '23 14:03 amilan17

Please set up meeting with Etienne, Kruno, Tom Kralidis (because of WIS topic hierarchy) and myself to discuss this and agree a way forward. Suggestions: 28 March or 30 March. Thanks.

@joergklausen I will look at setting up a meeting next week, because this week is very busy.

amilan17 avatar Mar 27 '23 13:03 amilan17

Application Area Notation (current) New Application Category New Application Area
spaceWeather 1. Space Weather Applications 1.1 Sun, Heliosphere and Solar Wind Forecasting and Monitoring
spaceWeather 1. Space Weather Applications 1.2 Energetic Particle and Magnetosphere Forecasting and Monitoring
spaceWeather 1. Space Weather Applications 1.3 Ionosphere, Thermosphere and Geomagnetic Field Forecasting and Monitoring
globalNumericalWeatherPrediction 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.1 Global Numerical Weather Prediction and Real-time Monitoring
n/a? 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.10 Atmospheric Disaster Risk Reduction
highResolutionNumericalWeatherPrediction 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.2 High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction
nowcasting 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.3 Nowcasting / Very Short Range Forecasting
seasonalForecasting 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.4 Sub-Seasonal to Longer Predictions
climateMonitoring 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.5 Atmospheric Climate Forecasting and Monitoring
atmosphericCompositionForecasting 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.6 Atmospheric Composition Forecasting and Monitoring
atmosphericCompositionMonitoring 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.6 Atmospheric Composition Forecasting and Monitoring
integratedUrbanServices 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.7 Atmospheric Composition Information Services in Urban and Populated Areas
aeronauticalMeteorology 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.8 Aeronautical Meteorology
agriculturalMeteorology 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.9 Agricultural Meteorology
oceanApplications 3. Oceanic Applications 3.1 Ocean Mesoscale Forecasting & Real-Time Monitoring (incl. marine heatwaves)
oceanApplications 3. Oceanic Applications 3.1 Ocean Mesoscale Forecasting and Real-Time Monitoring
oceanApplications 3. Oceanic Applications 3.2 Coastal Forecasting
oceanApplications 3. Oceanic Applications 3.3 Oceanic Climate Monitoring and Services
oceanApplications 3. Oceanic Applications 3.4 Tsunami Monitoring and Detection
oceanApplications 3. Oceanic Applications 3.5 Marine Environmental Emergency Response
oceanApplications 3. Oceanic Applications 3.6 Maritime Safety (ports to open ocean)
hydrology 4. Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.1 Hydrology Forecasting and Real-time Monitoring
hydrology 4. Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.2 Hydrological and Terrestrial Climate Monitoring
terrestrialEcology 4. Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.2 Hydrological and Terrestrial Climate Monitoring
hydrology 4. Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.3 Hydrological and Terrestrial Disaster Risk Reduction
terrestrialEcology 4. Hydrological and Terrestrial Applications 4.3 Hydrological and Terrestrial Disaster Risk Reduction
cryosphere 5. Cryospheric Applications 5.1 Terrestrial Cryosphere Forecasting and Monitoring
cryosphere 5. Cryospheric Applications 5.2 Sea-Ice Forecasting and Monitoring
cryosphere 5. Cryospheric Applications 5.3 Cryospheric Climate Monitoring
cryosphere 5. Cryospheric Applications 5.4 Cryospheric Disaster Risk Reduction
climateApplications? 6. Integrated Earth System Applications 6.1 Earth System Forecasting and Monitoring
climateScience 6. Integrated Earth System Applications 6.2 Understanding Earth System Processes
energy n/a n/a
health n/a n/a
transport n/a n/a

amilan17 avatar Mar 27 '23 15:03 amilan17

@amilan17 Thanks for sharing this table. I understand our role here to make sure that we have an unambigous notation for each of the 'New Application Areas' (column 3). The (now) existing ambiguities therefore need to be removed and a few new notations are needed to supersede some of the existing ones (example; cryosphere). It seems, some of our existing notations also need to be combined.

I have the following comments wrt the mapping between columns 2 and 3:

globalNumericalWeatherPrediction 2. Atmospheric Applications 2.1 Global Numerical Weather Prediction and Real-time Monitoring

My personal perception is Global NWP goes beyond Atmospheric Applicaions, hence, I would propose to list this under "6. Integrated Earth System Applications"

cryosphere 5. Cryospheric Applications 5.2 Sea-Ice Forecasting and Monitoring

I would propose to list this under "3. Oceanic Applications"

Please confirm the status of columns 2 and 3 in this table (approved?, under discussion?) We can then begin to work on the notations.

joergklausen avatar Mar 28 '23 08:03 joergklausen

@joergklausen @amilan17 . Global NWP is an atmospheric application because the focus is on APPLICATION - the principle aim of global NWP is to forecast the weather. In order to do so, it needs to model and use observations from several areas of the Earth System (="Domains" in our language). But this is true of most Application Areas. So my criticism is the opposite - I have questioned the need for an Application Area called Earth System Forecasting and Monitoring, because I do not recognise this as an application - it is a method, and an increasingly common method, for many Application Areas. Other Application Areas should be understood from the same perspective - what is the APPLICATION? - it is only through understanding the APPLICATION that you can understand the requirements for observations - some Application Areas that use common Earth System models have different requirements for observations because their applications are different.

JREyre avatar Mar 28 '23 09:03 JREyre

@joergklausen @amilan17 . Global NWP is an atmospheric application because the focus is on APPLICATION - the principle aim of global NWP is to forecast the weather. In order to do so, it needs to model and use observations from several areas of the Earth System (="Domains" in our language). But this is true of most Application Areas. So my criticism is the opposite - I have questioned the need for an Application Area called Earth System Forecasting and Monitoring, because I do not recognise this as an application - it is a method, and an increasingly common method, for many Application Areas. Other Application Areas should be understood from the same perspective - what is the APPLICATION? - it is only through understanding the APPLICATION that you can understand the requirements for observations - some Application Areas that use common Earth System models have different requirements for observations because their applications are different.

Hi @JREyre Indeed, I can share this perspective on things. With that in mind, I step back from my earlier suggestion for GNWP. However, I can also see Earth System Forecasting and Monitoring as an application, an integration of the other more domain-focused applications, and where the focus is more on the interface, i.e., the energy and material fluxes.

joergklausen avatar Mar 28 '23 10:03 joergklausen

These code values are not used in OSCAR/Surface interface for filtering and searching and there isn't an input field for this code in the metadata forms. @fstuerzl Do you know if there are XML records with applicationarea element populated?

amilan17 avatar Mar 30 '23 13:03 amilan17

@amilan17 I would not expect observing system owners to understand all the Application Areas in which their observations were used or might be used. Ideally they should, if they have gone through the WIGOS-recommended network design process, but in practice they won't. In fact you could argue that one of the main purposes of WIGOS is to make observations from all observing systems potentially available for all WMO applications. I don't see any value in the observation data themselves varying this information.

JREyre avatar Mar 30 '23 14:03 JREyre

@joergklausen -regarding the proposal to list Sea Ice Forecasting and Monitoring under Ocean, since the structure was approved by INFCOM2, it may be useful to not make changes outside a similar process. of course, other groupings are possible. The specific application as a "primary" use of observations, is focused on generating information for navigation in polar/subpolar waters.

rodicanitu avatar Mar 30 '23 15:03 rodicanitu

Perhaps we can generalize the definitions by referring to OSCAR/Requirements instead. For example, the description for "Sun, Heliosphere and Solar Wind Forecasting and Monitoring" can be: "Defined in WMO OSCAR at https://space.oscar.wmo.int/applicationareas/view/1_1_sun_heliosphere_and_solar_wind_forecasting_and_monitoring".

amilan17 avatar Apr 05 '23 09:04 amilan17

@amilan17 . Yes, in principle, it could be done this way. At present the definitions in OSCAR/Reqirements are missing for some AAs, very brief for others (no more than a repetition of the name) and much longer for others. You have to go to the Statements of Guidance (= Gap Analyses) to find a full description - ~half of page of text describing the AA and its scope.

JREyre avatar Apr 05 '23 10:04 JREyre

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.04.06-TT-WIGOSMD notes: update branch with proposal; include the descriptions once they are ready; include in FT2023-1 document to inform the stakeholders of the change.

amilan17 avatar Apr 06 '23 13:04 amilan17

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.04.21-TT-WIGOSMD note: (John) just adopt the new list of application areas as was approved by INFCOM and not consider the categories, they are more of "chapter headers" (Joerg) we can put the application areas in the tags (John) they are different from domains

  • ignore the numerical values associated with the area names
  • determine alphanumeric notations for new codes

amilan17 avatar Apr 21 '23 13:04 amilan17

@kpremec and I were talking and decided that the application areas should become a part of the path.

amilan17 avatar May 04 '23 09:05 amilan17

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.05.04-TT-WIGOSMD notes: John explained the RRR process for updating definitions. The OSCAR/Surface metadata editor will need to be updated and the mapping between old new is not always straightforward.

amilan17 avatar May 04 '23 12:05 amilan17

As discussed in today's meeting, I've analyzed the usage of the application areas that will become invalid with the new version of the table. We will for sure need some guidance on the migration process for these entries.

Application area to be deprecated Number of deployments linked to this application area Number of countries with deployments linked to this application area
spaceWeather 130 2
health 10 3
terrestrialEcology 100 3
hydrology 270 7
oceanApplications 3 1
cryosphere 199 21
transport 23 5
energy 555 6

fstuerzl avatar May 04 '23 14:05 fstuerzl

@fstuerzl @amilan17 @joergklausen Thanks for this analysis, which is very interesting. I assume the "usage" to which you refer is in OSCAR/Surface. If so, I think it illustrates my view that this usage is unhelpful and will lead to problems in the future, unless everyone who inputs data to OSCAR/Surface has a good understanding of how the RRR process and OSCAR/Requirements works. For the record, here are some comments on the "deprecated AAs" listed above:

  • "health", "transport" and "energy" have never been accepted by the RRR process as AAs for which observations requirements would be sought - they are not "application areas" in the sense defined by RRR - no-one does an activity with this title as part of their day-job, and so it is not possible (and would never have been possible) to compile a set of homogenous user requirements for them. They are, at best, the names of areas within which AAs (with different names) might be developed in the future. They are also good examples of what is NOT an application area. For example, just because someone working in transport uses weather forecasts does not mean that they are users of observations in the RRR sense - they are indirect users, not direct users.
  • Similarly, although debated for several years, "cryosphere" was never accepted as an RRR AA - it is the name of an earth system domain, not a human activity which uses observations. Real AAs with a predominant interest in cryosphere are now being developed.
  • "terrestrial ecology" could arguably be an AA, but no observation requirements have been developed for it.
  • "space weather" is a very active area within RRR, with many well-considered user requirements. However, it has now been agreed to split this one AA into three, in order to create AAs for which the URs are more homogeneous.
  • "ocean applications" is a longstanding AA, but it was always badly named. The "Statement of Guidance" for this AA explains that it only considers ocean forecasting for the open ocean and that the authors were relying on other AAs (exist or to be developed) to express the URs for other areas of activity pertaining to the ocean. This work is now underway.

So, I suggest that the managers of OSCAR/Surface should be made aware of these issues so that they can decide to what extent and how they recommend the use of these of AA names in the future.

JREyre avatar May 08 '23 12:05 JREyre

https://github.com/wmo-im/tt-wigosmd/wiki/2023.06.01-TT-WIGOSMD notes:

  • Anna updated the branch with initial mappings, status changes and new notations.
  • @amilan17 and @JohnEyre will review together;
  • Noting that if the definitions do not exist in the ESAC they will not be in this table. Essentially, this is a mere copy of RRR work, but there will be some mapping work.
  • Noting that there is an impact on OSCAR/Surface due to deprecated codes;

amilan17 avatar Jun 01 '23 12:06 amilan17