grunt-inline-angular-templates copied to clipboard
Inline angular templates into a HTML file
Hi Mostly for information / help to other: Due to recent update with cheerio, inline_angular_template fails with the following error: > Running "inline_angular_templates:dist" (inline_angular_templates) task > Warning: select is not...
Update peerDependencies to support Grunt 1.0 Hello, This is an automated issue request to update the `peerDependencies` for your Grunt plugin. We ask you to merge this and **publish a...
Hi, recently I updated my package.json and your module has maybe a problem. "string is not a function". It is an error with cheerio version I think. To help you,...
2 new options: {minify: false(default)} Minify the outputted html, it remoes all spaces {onlyPath: false(default)} To integrate it with yeoman and the app/, dist/ structure we need the templates name...