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Unlock Ansible Vault with LastPass

Unlock Ansible Vault with LastPass

Build Status

Script lastpass-ansible in this project will let you unlock Ansible Vault with the password stored in LastPass. This means you'll be able to run ansible-playbook and ansible-vault commands without being prompted for the password: it'll be taken from LastPass automatically.

You can keep your Ansible Vault passwords along with your other secrets in LastPass, and not worry about forgetting your passwords. You should also use LastPass's strong password generator for your Ansible Vault password.

The 'lastpass-ansible' is designed so that it integrates easily with your existing flow.

How to install

You install the tool in the terminal:

gem install lastpass-ansible

How to use

You must point Ansible to use lastpass-ansible:

export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=`command -v lastpass-ansible`

Now assume you're in your web application directory:

cd ~/Projects/my_web_app

Now do:

lastpass-ansible --init

This will create a new "site" in LastPass in the hierarchy Ansible_Vault/my_web_app. It'll also generate a 30-character password for this site.

If you want to stick to your current Vault password

Just go to LastPass, edit the site in Ansible_Vault/my_web_app and put your password there. Save.

If you want to use the new password:

lpass show -c -p Ansible_Vault/my_web_app
ansible-vault rekey secrets.yml

First command copies the newly generated password to the clipboard, and the second one will replace the old password with the new one. It's so called re-keying the Vault. Clear the clipboard afterwards.

More details and custom settings

File .lastpass-ansible.conf has been created along with the password. It just tells lastpass-ansible which LastPass site to use to get the proper password. If you're fine with Ansible_Vault/..., then you can remove this file. It's a default lookup location.

If you're a picky person and you don't like Ansible_Vault OR you want to point lastpass-ansible to an existing hierarchy of sites in LastPass, just stick it to .lastpass-ansible.conf. It's format is very easy:

# lastpass-ansible configuration file. For more details read:

And it'll work. The order of lookup for this LastPass site name is:

  1. .lastpass-ansible.conf file
  2. LASTPASS_ANSIBLE_NAME environment variable
  3. Name guessed based on a directory: "Ansible_Vault" + name

It should be safe to commit .lastpass-ansible.conf to your repository. If you're paranoid, just use LASTPASS_ANSIBLE_NAME environment variable for passing this name. Otherwise just use the guessed name. I think it's the most convenient.

