openai-clojure copied to clipboard
on-next not called when stream option is true
I am calling create-chat-completion with the options :stream true :on-next #(log/info :on-next %)
and nothing it logs, instead I have all the "chat.completion.chunk" events dumped at once after some time
I am using azure
This is the code I had to use to be able to consume the stream: using aleph and manifold
(defn parse-sse [sse-string]
(let [lines (str/split sse-string #"\n\n")]
(for [line lines
:let [parts (str/split line #"\n")
data (first (filter #(str/starts-with? % "data:") parts))]]
(when data
(str/replace data "data: " "")))))
(defn handle-bytebuf [bytebuf]
(let [bytes (byte-array (.readableBytes bytebuf))]
(.getBytes bytebuf 0 bytes)
(parse-sse (String. bytes "UTF-8"))))
(defn stream-chat-completion
[messages options on-next]
(let [{:keys [model temperature max-tokens]} options]
(http/post url
{:headers {"api-key" key}
:form-params (cond-> {:temperature temperature
:top_p 1
:messages messages
:stream true}
max-tokens (assoc :max_tokens max-tokens))
:content-type :json
:pool raw-stream-connection-pool
#(stream/consume (fn [chunk]
(on-next (handle-bytebuf chunk))) %))))
Unfortunately I don't have access to an azure account to play with.
@behrica do you experience the same issue with the current version?
v0.14.0 includes some changes related to SSE for openai. Could you maybe confirm if this issue still persists in azure on this new version?