I did actually see that issue but it didn't (from the title) seem to apply to text elements.
BTW I removed the references to fontawesome pro (it seems you're only using it for some icons), but now when running npm run build I get ...\github\blmage\duolingo-solution-viewer\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\loadConfigFile.js:480 ? (await import(url.pathToFileURL(fileName).href)).default...
Installed latest nodejs and now it gets stuck on src/ui.js → dist/src/ui.js... It was there a good 15 minutes, I killed it and reran "npm run build" but is just...
Left it running a couple of hours and finally got this: [13572:03E2FCA8] 5547895 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 1012.4 (1025.0) -> 1011.4 (1026.0) MB, 3411.1 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.102,...
Why would an unresolved import cause that? E.g. before commenting out the references to FontAwesome pro I simply got errors that the import couldn't be found... Do you have instructions...
It looks like faKey, faThumbtack, faArrowFromLeft and faArrowToRight, are the only icons you needed from fontawesome pro - for now I've assigned this with existing free icons, cleaned out node_modules,...
Alright, got it building and installed using `npm run build-debug` and adding the `dist` folder as an unpacked extension to Chrome - it's definitely doing *something* (some of my console.log...
It's failing in sendMessageToBackground, chrome.runtime.sendMessage is setting chrome.runtime.lastError to { "message": "The message port closed before a response was received." }. I restored background.js back to what it was prior...
BTW one thing I did notice is that it seems that from `"compactTranslations":["朝、鳥の声がしました。","[あさ/朝][、/は][とり/鳥]が鳴いて[い/][ました/た]。","[あさ/朝][、/は][とり/鳥]の[こえ/声/鳴き声]が[しました/した]。","[あさ/朝][、/は][とり/鳥]が鳴[きました/いた]。"],` it generated 264 "accepted solutions" - it's not clear on what basis it decides to split them...
From what I've seen, you can't get all accepted solutions from compactTranslations - but the ones you can't get are generally rubbish anyway that it makes no sense to use,...