Aaron Wisner

Results 63 comments of Aaron Wisner

> BTW, does the remote send any data if a base station isn't present? AKA should I be sniffing packets when it's saying "Closed"? If you press a button when...

Have you remembered to solder on the Antenna? If that doesn't work, I recently merged dev into master, so perhaps try checking out a commit prior to this and seeing...

I have a feather myself and everything works fine on mine. Also, definitely dont operate the device without an antenna. The signal gets reflected back into the transmitter and can...

Awesome! Yes, please submit a pull request with your changes so other people can enjoy them too :) In terms of reverse engineering, the biggest thing that needs to be...

The count is monotonic, so you shouldn't see it flickering back down. Have you tried settings IS_RFM69HW to false? The underlying radio driver is a modified version of https://github.com/LowPowerLab/RFM69 and...

I think the most likely thing is you burnt out the module. Look at 3.4.1 Architecture Description in https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/3076/sx1231.pdf. Your high power module use the PA_BOOST. As you can see...

Hi, take a look at our work in progress security paper, I think we explain most of all the specific details and how we figured them out. There are a...

You could definitely optimize the use of random a ton... However, I would not imagine that random() would be slower than sending over a serial port. If this is the...

We actually have a working example of that exact atack: https://github.com/wizard97/iSkipper/blob/master/emulator/iSkipper/examples/attacks/attacks.ino Take a look at the answer_resubmit method. > As for the DOS attack, I've tried to use the same...

There are definitely a ton of performance improvement that can be done in the underlying radio driver (RFM69.cpp) -- I'm not the one who wrote it, and if I had...