Aaron Wisner
Aaron Wisner
You also need to worry about endianess, if one end is big endian and the other is little endian, you will get garbage out. The library needs to always serialize...
> Google Protobuff Attempting to use C++ Protobuff's on low memory micro-controllers with no MMU, especially 8-bit AVRs, is a terrible idea.
Last time I checked they didn't even have a stable Arduino port for the ESP32.
You're using all 64K of RAM? I will work on the port once the ESP32 has stable Arduino support.
Appreciate you following through and making an example. Looks mostly good, a few suggestions: - Can you instead of naming your class` BlinkerProcesses`, name it something like `BlinkerManager`? I saw...
I think it would actually be pretty cool if you could think of an example where this "managing process" is actually a process itself. Maybe you make the manager process...
Definitely needs to be caught in cleanUp(). I actually realized calling cleanUp() on the child procs in the deconstructor isn't safe. As calling cleanUp() only queues the request to destroy...
Sorry, I completely missed your updates! Everything looks good, besides the cleanup of the child processes. I can't think of a way to do it that is clean and also...
Hi, It is completely valid and safe to have a process call any of the: disable() enable() destroy() restart() Routines from inside a service routine. In your case destroy() will...
It is never recommend to use dynamic memory when programming microcontrollers. If you have created your process object in global space (as you likely have) it will exist on the...